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Learner Name: Niki
Learning Language Hindi
City, State or Province Toronto, Ontario
Country Canada
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Description My name is Niki and I am very interested in learning Hindi, as it should be my native tongue. Although I have taken a hindi class at my university as an extra curricular, it was too advanced for my level as my knowledge is almost non-existant, so I need to start with the basics. I attempted to teach myself to read and write last summer, but I have been told it would be best if I start with speaking or conversationa l hindi. I will be graduating from university in April so I will be available starting at the end of the month until September and possible continuing after that. In a teacher, I am looking for someone who can design a lesson plan to suit my needs.

Learner Name: Alice
Learning Language Hindi
City, State or Province Toronto, Ontario
Country Canada
Wants Lessons
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Description I currently have very little knowledge of the Hindi language.

I am very interested in learning mostly for pleasure.

I am interested in learning the language in it's entirety (reading, writing, listening and speaking), but with specific emphasis on conversationa l speaking.

I am looking for 1-2hr instruction/w eek.

While I am currently attempting to learn from a book, it does not provide me with the opportunity to speak and practice what I have learnt and thus impeding on my ability to move past the introductory level. I am happy with the book I currently have, but would appreciate the advice of a native speaker. So I am looking for a teacher who would be able to either supplement the book or provide lessons that would break up the language lessons into grammar, reading, writing and speaking excerises. But more importantly, I need someone who would be able to practice conversations with me.

Learner Name: Karimah
Learning Language Hindi
City, State or Province Toronto, Ontario
Country Canada
Wants Lessons
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Description Beginner. I am trying to learn hindi as it is my native language. I am willing to dedicate at least 4 hrs a week to it. I am looking for a teacher that will push me to speak hindi and one that will customise classes to my learning style

Learner Name: Shiya
Learning Language Hindi
City, State or Province Toronto, Ontario
Country Canada
Wants Lessons
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Description Dear Manav,
I am interested in learning converstation al hindi. I learnt a bit when I was very young from my father but he died when I was quite young and so never really learnt the language. My father was born in India but I was born in Guyana, South America where the language is not part of the culture there. I have always regretted not learning my native tongue so figure it's never too late.

Also I am in the midst of writing a screenplay in English which I hope to translate in Hindi before publishing.

Please let me know at your earliest if you can assist me in this quest of mine.

Best regards,
Shi vana

Learner Name: Josh
Learning Language Hindi
City, State or Province Toronto, ON
Country Canada
Wants Lessons
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Live, in person
Description Beginner.
To be able to understand Bollywood movies without having to read subtitles.
I am also dating an Indian girl who speaks Hindi and Punjabi and would like to learn the language to fully appreciate her culture, etc.
Total found: 79 !
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