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We won't send you news or promotions without your permission.
Your information won't be given to other organizations.
See our privacy policy.
Choose to restrict your ad to those teachers you have contacted first.
You can remove your ad at any time.
Absolutely free! Our service is free for learners.
In short, you have no risk!
Make Your Ad Effective
Although our service is free to you, language teachers must pay a small fee
in order to contact you or to reply to your messages.
This pays for our cost and time in operating this website.
Based on your ad here, teachers must determine whether you are serious
about paying a qualified teacher to give you language lessons and whether you are a
suitable student for the teaching services they offer.
Only when a teacher feels there is a reasonable chance that you will eventually
become a paying student, will he or she respond.
Thus to maximize responses from teachers, we recommend you follow these simple
guidelines when creating your learner profile:
Show respect for your potential teacher.
Use proper language and appropriate formailty in your ad and messages.
Here are some examples:
Do not address teachers with 'hey how's it going'.
Follow proper grammar, such as beginning your sentences with captials. Do not use all capitals.
Do not use slang or Internet abbreviations.
If you intend to take lessons in a country you plan to visit, please specify the city where
you intend to take lessons. Also, please specify the time of year and duration you plan to be
there. Be as specific as possible.
Create Learner Profile Now
Please complete this form to create your learner profile:
' +
sNLb = '' +
sNLc = '';
sPLa = '' +
sPLb = '' +
sPLc = '';
// Functions that Insert the Selection Boxes for additional languages
function InsertNLa(){
NLaDesc.innerHTML = ' Additional native language (optional)';
NLa.innerHTML = sNLa;
NLf.innerHTML ='';
function InsertNLb(){
NLbDesc.innerHTML = ' Additional native language (optional)';
NLb.innerHTML = sNLb
function InsertNLc(){
NLcDesc.innerHTML = ' Additional native language (optional)'
NLc.innerHTML = sNLc;
NLbf.innerHTML = '';
function InsertPLa(){
PLaDesc.innerHTML = ' Additional language you are learning (optional)'
PLa.innerHTML =sPLa;
PLf.innerHTML = '';
function InsertPLb(){
PLbDesc.innerHTML = ' Additional language you are learning (optional)'
PLb.innerHTML = sPLb;
function InsertPLc(){
PLcDesc.innerHTML = ' Additional language you are learning (optional)'
PLc.innerHTML = sPLc;
PLbf.innerHTML ='';