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Title: Over twenty years
Posted by: Rafael (Ralph) Agostini
Location: Hephzibah, United States
Date: October 20, 2004


Enlisted in the U.S.ARMY in July of 1957, and since 1960 until
my retirement, I was required to be tested every two years in
Spanish(Castillian)/English, and English/Spanish(Castillian)
until my retirement in July of 1987.

While in the army among the many jobs that I performed,
I broadcasted the Radio and TV news for the Southern
Command in Fort Clayton, Canal Zone, Panama immediately
after the 1964 riots.

In 1964, I also worked at the 15th Naval District for the U.S.NAVY right after the Cuban Missile Crisis in a classifed TOP SECRET mission; my job was to work the radio as a bilingual operator.

Not long after that in 1964, I departed Panama for Tolu, Colombia in South America for a field training exercise where I worked the HF Radio, VHF Radio, Switchboard as a bilingual operator. In addition to the above, also interpreted for the Platoon Leader regarding communication matters until the end of the exercise. Operation America the name of the exercise lasted 3 months.

The following year in 1965, I departed Panama with destination
for Lima, Peru where again, where I had a similar job like I had
in Colombia. Operation Ayacucho also lasted 3 months.

After a tour of duty in Vietnam, I requested to be reassigned
back to Panama due to my Mother's illnes, and was assigned to
the SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS(USARSA)as a Senior Communications Instructor where all the material presented to the students had
to be translated in order to teach the subject matter.

Have worked as an interpreter, translator in Superior ourt, State Court and Juvenile Court as a Richmond County Deputy Sheriff until I left the Sheriff's Office. As it is now, I worked as an interpreter for the Honorable Judge Gayle B. Hamrick, Chief Judge.

Have also worked for a company in California and Florida by
going to a doctor's office and interprete for the Doctor and
the patient.

Contact Rafael (Ralph) Agostini

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