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Hangman Games by Member : Michael W.

Short Description of Michael W.
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Country: United States
Description: I am a culinary student from the southern United states. (J'etudie faire la cusine a John Folse, Ecole de la Cuisine en Louisiana, Etats-Unis)In two years I'm going to study at the Paul Bocuse institute in Lyon. I need to study every day. So I need to write French with a partner and its important to speak french often, but its hard without someone to speak with. I want to be ready.(En deux ans Je vias etudier a le Paul Bocuse Ecole de la Cuisine en Lyon France. Je besoin de etudie tous le jours, Alors Il faut parler Francais souvent, mais C'est difficile sans une perssonne parler avec. Je envie etre pret)

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How one prepares food
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

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English Popular Expression Home / House May 29, 2014
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