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Hangman Games by Member : roseline d.

Short Description of roseline d.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Belgium
Description: Ce sont les différences qui font la richesse de notre monde...Hello, my first langage is french, I love travels,and languages. L'anglais me passionne depuis l'enfance, J'étudie aussi l'espéranto. ... les différentes cultures m'intéressent. Tout ce qui reflète l'essence même de l'être humain. I am painter and weaver. I would like to correspond with someone who help me in English or in Esperanto, in exchange, I help you with your french.

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Au jardin, on fait du...
_a _d _ _a _ _
French - Other - Work / Job February 25, 2004
15 votes
jeu de l'esprit
_c _i _ _ _e _

6 related games: view
French - Other - - Other - February 25, 2004
4 votes
Hautes-écoles rassemblées
_n _ _e _ _i _ _

2 related games: view
French - Other - Education / School February 21, 2004
10 votes

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