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Hangman Games by Member : Nery L.

Short Description of Nery L.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Mexico
Description: Hi, I'm Nery, I'm studying Modern Languages (linguistics, ESL teaching, curriculum design, ESL materials, ESP, etc) so I would like to share knowledge about this and know other people around the world. However I'm not only interested in those topics, I love music, movies, internet, chat (MSN), cooking (Mexican food), tv series (Dr. House) :) , and even the Bible! wherever you want to share with me. I love English and of course my mother tongue (Spanish) but I also would like to learn French and Italian.

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Nery L.'s newest games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
When you are unpolite with no manners and rude, you are
u _   _a _o
Spanish Popular Expression Play / Fun / Entertainment April 14, 2008
4 votes

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