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Hangman Games by Member : Kaley

Short Description of Kaley
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Country: United States
Description: Ich heiße Kaley, und ich komme aus Missouri, USA. Ich spreche Deutsch nicht so gut, aber ich möchte Deutsch lernen. Meine deutsch Lehrerin lehrt nicht so gut und mochte ich mit ein Deutsche sprechen. My name is Kaley, and I am from Missouri, USA. I hope to go to college and study zoology, with a focus on African wildlife. I would like to study African mammals in Kenya, and am really interested in learning Swahili. I do not know any Swahili, because it is not offered anywhere close to where I live, and I cannot find any other resources, so I would really appreciate if someone who knows it could contact me and help me learn.

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first united states president
G _ _ _ _ _   W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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English Famous Name or Title People April 18, 2007
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