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Hangman Games by Member : Evelyn R.

Short Description of Evelyn R.
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Country: United States
Description: Hi I am 17 and I would love to have a penpal to learn French,Russian and German because they sound cool and they are cool languges! And I want to also have a penpal from the UK so when I visit Great Britain I will know some things about it. I play the piano read books, espacialy HARRY POTTER and Eclipse. I like to play soccer and go swiming. I like all kinds of music including Hip-Hop, Rap, and Rock Music for example Franz Ferdinand. I am one of those kinds of people who listen to people and who like to make people laugh. Plus I could help anybody out with their Spanish, if they want to! So if you'd like a cool friend, write to me soon!!:)

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Evelyn R.'s most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Famous Wizard
_a _ _y   _o _ _ _r
English Famous Name or Title Movies / Films December 28, 2006
20 votes

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