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Hangman Games by Member : Miryam

Short Description of Miryam
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Country: Spain
Description: Hello, I would like to find someone to practice my speaking in English, preferably through video conversation. I am a high-school professor on History and Geography, and I will be delighted to help you with your Spanish. I'm also a Catalan native, if you're interested in. My English level is C1, but I feel an important lack on vocabulary and fluency when I try to talk about my interests, which are: nature sports as rock climbing and hiking; potencial energy crisis and critics over west society; how to become self-sufficient; related on that, allotments, vegetable gardens and orchards, DIY, recycling; also questions on feminism, Veganism, culture in a wide sense, to say a few. I try to think everything outside the common way, and I like to contrast my opinions to get a wider horizon. Well, what a speech!

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muchas cosas, un montón
_ _   _ _ _ _ _ _

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Spanish Popular Expression Amounts / Quantities January 18, 2022
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