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Hangman Games by Member : Alec

Short Description of Alec
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Canada
Description: Bonjour! Hello! Hallo! I live in Canada and I would like to improve my level of German, as well as learn more about other cultures. I am a native French speaker who is also fluent in English. I like puzzles, music, hiking, cycling, and travelling, among other things. I became interested in linguistics during the last decade and decided to start learning German. Eventually, I would like to learn Japanese, Spanish, Inuktitut, and maybe a Scandinavian language. I'd be very glad to help you practice your French and/or your English. If I could have someone to practice my German or just to learn about the ways of life in other places on Earth in exchange, that would be awesome! Danke, bis bald :)

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Alec's most popular games:

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Quand une chose est énervante, elle nous...
_ _ _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _.
French Popular Expression Emotions January 21, 2019
13 votes
Lorsqu'on en a assez et qu'on est vraiment fatigué, on...
_ _   _   _ _ _ _ _   _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _
French Popular Expression Emotions January 21, 2019
4 votes

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