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Hangman Games by Member : Lily

Short Description of Lily
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Country: France
Description: Bonjour, je m'appelle Lily.J'aime lire, voyager, cuisiner,etc.^^ Hello, my name is Lily.I'm french(asian origin).I would like to exchange conversation with people from different horizons. My english is very bad and I'm very shy.My dream is to fluent it with people around the world ^^. こんにちは、リリーです。初めまして。実は日本語を勉強します。でも、とても難しくてまだ話していません。フランスには日本人に会いにくいです。その上、来年は日本に行こうと思っています。もし、よかったら、もっと日本語を学んでいただけませんか。私も、喜んでフランス語を教えてあげます。Then,I never learned chinese but I really attracted to Taiwan. So, just to try my best to learn chinese with you. A bientôt =^-^=

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
Mark the surprise, the swearword
s _ _er _i _o _e _ _e
French Popular Expression Insults / Swearing August 13, 2011
5 votes

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