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Hangman Games by Member : Ihintza M.

Short Description of Ihintza M.
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Country: France
Description: Hey!! I'm a 20 year old basque girl, and I would like to learn swedish. I speak french fluently, I've done all my studies in that language, pretty well english and quit good spanish. I can help someone with french and maybe english. I really want to meet some swedish people, cause i would love to have friends in that lovely country!! as i'm not a gold member, i can't make the first move, so i'm waiting for you!!

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The answer to: What are your news?
_ _h _ _r _ _   _e _r _
Basque Popular Expression Coming and Going June 18, 2008
3 votes
to say 'take care', in the north of the Basque Country
i _ _ _   _ _t _a
Basque Popular Expression Coming and Going May 3, 2008
3 votes

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