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Hangman Games by Member : Chelsia S.

Short Description of Chelsia S.
Native Language(s):
Indonesian (Bahasa)
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Country: Indonesia
Description: Hi, my name is Chelsia, 25 years old, from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I'm studying English Language at University, still trying to finish it and graduate soon. I'm interested in both studying the language and knowing the culture of Korea, coz I love Korean drama and music. I also want to learn Chinese and improve my English skills. Please contact me and hopefully I'll be able to help you if you want to learn my language. Gb (^-^)v

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Chelsia S.'s most popular games:

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Jay Zhou's song title in his newest album
_ _u   _a _   _e _   _ _n _
Chinese, Mandarin Famous Name or Title Music March 10, 2008
3 votes

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