Language Exchange in Japan : Meet up or use Email, Text Chat or Voice Chat

Language Exchange in Japan

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Language Exchange in Japan

Meet up or use Email, Text Chat or Voice Chat

Language exchange in Japan via conversation, email, text chat, voice chat. Follow free activities and lesson plans for fun, interesting, effective practice. Use guidelines provided by an expert in language exchange to help each other learn. Find the partner you want quickly with powerful search features, such as search by age, gender, location and languages.

The Basics
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What You Can Do Here

Here at, you can find Japanese language exchange partners for: We provide free, helpful guidelines and tips on how to do a language exchange, as well as free lesson plans designed by an expert in language exchange learning. The activities are fun so you can easily "break the ice" with your new learning partner and get effective practice.

In short, you have everything you need to find and practice with your Japan language exchange partners.

Meet up, Email, Text Chat or Voice Chat?

The type of exchange that is right for you depends on your location, proficiency level in the language you are practicing and your learning goals. Find out which type of language exchange is right for you.

Before Practicing

Before you begin practicing, please read the free guideline, How To Do A Language Exchange for hints on doing an effective language exchange.

Language Exchange Partners from Japan

Here are 20 of our most recent Japan members that could become your partner.

To view all registered Japan language exchange members, please click here.
Click on a name for more information or to contact the member.
Name Country
Native Language Practicing Language Description

person bread
July 26, 2024
i am not goldmember i want to know gastronomy traditional food cuisine in your country 私は金会員では ありません あなたの国の食文化 パンお菓子のことを教えてください translate

person Yuki
July 26, 2024
저는 한국어를 공부하고 싶어요. K-pop 음악과 드라마를 매우 좋아합니다. 나고야 근처에서 커피라도 마시면서 이야기 할 수 있으면 좋겠습니다. I'd like to learn Korean and English. I like K-pop music and K-dramas, learning about other cultures, traveling and workout at a gym. It would be nice to ta..... translate

person Naoki
July 26, 2024
こんにちは!! I’ve been learning English for years by myself but still struggling. Sorry if it gets messy Not a gold member yet. We can move to LINE (ID: kenjiofkissarmy) , Instagram(kenji_ kissarmy), or WhatsApp It’d be great if I could make some frie..... translate

person Taishi
July 26, 2024
- Other -
I'm in sydney so looking for friends or relationship who is in sydney. I would like to talk or study with someone in English. Unfortunately, I can't speak English fluently though, hope to make friends who can keep in touch with me some..... translate

person w
July 26, 2024
(plz q)
お返事を送っていただいたのにすみま せん、 普通メンバーなためメール ができません! よければ最後辺の 行にメールを書きますので、メールも らうことできますか? Nic e to meet you✿ Do you have free to talk with Japanese? Sha ll we try to mail Hope you reply! thirty seven y beginner English taugh t Japan languageas..... translate

person Mark
July 26, 2024
こんにちは!オーストラリア出身で、 東京に住んでいるエンジニアです。日 常会話の日本語は大丈夫だけど、もっ と上手くなりたいです。 あと 、サイクリング、ハイキング、ロック クライミング、ビデオゲームが好きな 友達も探しています。似たような趣味 がある人や、言語交換に興味がある人 はぜひ話しましょう! translate

person Tama
July 26, 2024
I am a beginner in English. Is there anyone who can teach me English? I like movies, musics, cooking, take a walk, etc… *** I am sick and tired of scammers!! translate

person Budak
July 26, 2024
I know about 6-7 langauges , can communiacte, I want to improve furtehr Japanes lanugae. I like travelling. translate

person Takahiro
July 26, 2024
Hello. I'm Takahiro. I am an engineer and my main job is to arrange Chinese products for the Japanese market. I like taking a picture, watching anime, reading a manga, playing the guitar, fishing and camping. I want to help your skill of ..... translate

person Meer
July 26, 2024
I've been learning English for a while and I work as a sales ops! I have to use English for work so I'd like to practice to speak and listening. translate

person kurumi
July 26, 2024
I'm a secretary at a law firm. I live in Chiba. I like traveling, watching movies, reading manga, playing board game, and playing sports. I’m studying English because l want to make friends with foreigners and l want to travel abroad a lot. ..... translate

person friend
July 26, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
Hello I am studying Chinese and Korean on my own. I am still immature Please tell me what I don't understand Thank you. 你好 在自学中文。 不知道的请告诉我。 请多关照 안녕하세요 한국어를 독학으로 공부합니다 아직 능력이 미숙합니다 모르는 것을 가르쳐 주세요 translate

person Fumi
July 26, 2024
(Kanagawa( Kawasaki))
Hi, my name is Fumi. I’ve been learning English for a long time, but my English hasn’t reached the fluent level yet. I’d like to speak English like native speakers someday. I’m also interested in teaching Japanese. I’ve been teaching Japanese for ..... translate

person Ryan
July 26, 2024
Chinese, Mandarin
I'm the person who wants to make a friend in the world.. Actuall y i lived in Japan and Australia quite long time but after returned to korea~there is no chance to speak Japanese and English!! That' s why i've decided to join this comm..... translate

person takumi
July 26, 2024
- Other -
初めましてTAKUMIと言います。 日本の佐賀に住んでいます。 来年度オリンピックもありますし、何 か言語を学びたいと思い登録しました 。 私が提供できるのは日本語、そ して少しの英語です。 爬虫類・車 ・日曜大工・アウトドア・ゲーム・漫 画が趣味です。 日本に興味のある 方、日本語を学びたい方は連絡をいた だければ幸いです。 translate

person K
July 26, 2024
I like football (soccer) I’d love to chat, have conversations in English and Japanese. translate

person Sakura
July 26, 2024
Hi there! I am Sakura from Japan. I am looking for some new friends and language exchange partners. My hobbies are photo, reading and movies. Animal lover. Hej! Jag heter Sakura och lär mig svenska och engelska på min fritid. Varit i Sverige t..... translate

person Yuko
July 26, 2024
(Takamatsu, Kagawa)
私は英語を改善したいそして、日本語 や日本の文化に興味のある人を探して います。言語を学ぶためにお互い助け 合い、日常生活について話しましょう 。どうぞ、日本に来て下さい。私もあ なたの国を訪問したいです。 I want to improve my English and am looking for people who are interested in Japanese or its culture. Why don't we talk about interests, hobbi..... translate

person Ryhme
July 26, 2024
From Turkey and live in Japan. I want to practice Japanese language. Cheer s.. translate

person Oleksandr
July 26, 2024
Hello! I'm a Ukrainian living in Japan, and I love learning languages for both fun and survival. My interests are many—I enjoy books, manga, video games, and exploring new places on long walks. I'm open to conversations about anything, wh..... translate

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Japan Language Exchange Partners - Express Find by City
language exchange in Aichi Aichi
language exchange in Akita Akita
language exchange in Atsugi Atsugi
language exchange in Berlin Berlin
language exchange in Chatan Chatan
language exchange in Chiba Chiba
language exchange in Fukuoka Fukuoka
language exchange in Funabashi Funabashi
language exchange in Gifu Gifu
language exchange in Gunma Gunma
language exchange in Hamamatsu Hamamatsu
language exchange in Himeji Himeji
language exchange in Hiroshima Hiroshima
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language exchange in Hyogo Hyogo
language exchange in Iwakuni Iwakuni
language exchange in Kamakura Kamakura
language exchange in Kanagawa Kanagawa
language exchange in Kanagawa Prefecture Kanagawa Prefecture
language exchange in Kansai Kansai
language exchange in Kasari Kasari
language exchange in Kawasaki Kawasaki
language exchange in Kobe Kobe
language exchange in Kumamoto Kumamoto
language exchange in Kyoto Kyoto
language exchange in LA LA
language exchange in Mie Mie
language exchange in Misawa Misawa
language exchange in Nagano Nagano
language exchange in Nagasaki Nagasaki
language exchange in Nagoya Nagoya
language exchange in Naha Naha
language exchange in Nara Nara
language exchange in Niigata Niigata
language exchange in Oita Oita
language exchange in Okayama Okayama
language exchange in Okinawa Okinawa
language exchange in Onoda Onoda
language exchange in Osaka Osaka
language exchange in Saga Saga
language exchange in Saitama Saitama
language exchange in Sapporo Sapporo
language exchange in Sasebo Sasebo
language exchange in Sendai Sendai
language exchange in Shizuoka Shizuoka
language exchange in Shounan Shounan
language exchange in Takarazuka Takarazuka
language exchange in Tokio Tokio
language exchange in Tokushima Tokushima
language exchange in Tokyo Tokyo
language exchange in Tottori Tottori
language exchange in Wakayama Wakayama
language exchange in Yamato-Machi Yamato-Machi
language exchange in Yokohama Yokohama
language exchange in Yokosuka Yokosuka is doing "extraordinary things online."

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"Our level of knowledge has increased a lot. You made my dream come true."

- Juan Jos Guerrero, Seville (Spain)
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Member Testimonials
"My language exchange is working wonderfully." ..."We couldn't be happier with the exchange. Thank you for setting it all up. Thank you for everything."

- John C., New York, United States

"It has been a great experience for me so far." ..."this is my #1 favorite online site. Thanks."

- United States

..."I'll be using your site to practice my French, and I'll recommend it to everyone I know.

- Katerina Vallianatos, ESL Teacher, U.S.A.

..."Cela fait environ un mois que je cherche des sites de ce genre sans en rencontrer un à mon goût. Je vous félicite vraiment et vous remercie beaucoup. Continuer votre beau travail."

- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canada

"I recommended your site to my Spanish professors and other students. I think it's a great idea!" ..."I will use it more in the future as a teacher. Thanks."

- United States

..."finally something useful on the Internet."

- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, U.S.A.

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