Language Exchange in Italy : Meet up or use Email, Text Chat or Voice Chat

Language Exchange in Italy

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Language Exchange in Italy

Meet up or use Email, Text Chat or Voice Chat

Language exchange in Italy via conversation, email, text chat, voice chat. Follow free activities and lesson plans for fun, interesting, effective practice. Use guidelines provided by an expert in language exchange to help each other learn. Find the partner you want quickly with powerful search features, such as search by age, gender, location and languages.

The Basics
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What You Can Do Here

Here at, you can find Italian language exchange partners for: We provide free, helpful guidelines and tips on how to do a language exchange, as well as free lesson plans designed by an expert in language exchange learning. The activities are fun so you can easily "break the ice" with your new learning partner and get effective practice.

In short, you have everything you need to find and practice with your Italy language exchange partners.

Meet up, Email, Text Chat or Voice Chat?

The type of exchange that is right for you depends on your location, proficiency level in the language you are practicing and your learning goals. Find out which type of language exchange is right for you.

Before Practicing

Before you begin practicing, please read the free guideline, How To Do A Language Exchange for hints on doing an effective language exchange.

Language Exchange Partners from Italy

Here are 20 of our most recent Italy members that could become your partner.

To view all registered Italy language exchange members, please click here.
Click on a name for more information or to contact the member.
Name Country
Native Language Practicing Language Description

person Mario
July 26, 2024
Arabic, Egyptian
Hi, I am Mario 41 years old.. Searching for an Egyptian female friend who can help me so now and then with my Egypt project.. So, please have a little knowledge of the ancient times! If one of you has interest please write to me.. ☺️ translate

person Rossana
July 26, 2024
Hello everybody, my name is Rossana. I'm a native Italian, I've graduated in Spanish and French and I speak English as well. I would like to learn Portuguese mainly and make friends. I am fascinated by foreign nationalities and cultures. I.... . translate

person Paolo
July 26, 2024
Hi! I'm italian man from Italy and I am looking for friends who speak portoguese, english, russian or french. You can send me an Hi! translate

person Luca
July 26, 2024
Hi everyone! I am a Italian native speaker. I would like to improve my English and Spanish. I can help you in Italian:-) translate

person Stefano
July 26, 2024
Ciao, mi chiamo Stefano e insegno in una scuola superiore. Mi piace molto la musica (suono la chitarra), fare un po' di sport e da qualche anno ho ripreso a studiare il tedesco (livello avanzato) e l'inglese (livello base). translate

person Marco
July 26, 2024
I'm italian learning german (B2-C1). I prefer video chatting. Also timidly interested in the Japanese basics. Big fan of georgian/kartvel ian as well (basic level A1-A2). Interests besides languages: medicine/biology , art and cinema. translate

person Roberto
July 26, 2024
Ciao! 😊 mi sono iscritto qui per conoscere persone di tutto il mondo, di qualsiasi cultura/religion e, che magari vogliono imparare l'italiano, o saperne di più sull'Italia. Sono una persona molto solare, e mi piace parlare di qualsiasi arg..... translate

person Diego
July 26, 2024
Hi everyone 👋. I'm not a gold member. Not here for dating 😇 translate

person Enrico
July 26, 2024
Ciao,sono Enrico, amo viaggiare e avere amici in giro per il mondo per confrontarmi,asc oltare le loro storie, imparare, essere ispirato.. Amo molto e rispetto la Natura,mi piace l'arte e qualsiasi cosa in cui la creatività umana dona bellezza a..... translate

person Federico
July 26, 2024
Hi everyone! my name is Federico, I live in Italy near Venice. Travelling for me is a constant necessity, It’s wonderful to discover new horizons and also confront myself with different people and cultures. My passions are also meditation, photograph..... translate

person mauro
July 26, 2024
i m italian and live in bergamo and sardegna and i want improve my german english spanish and french :-) :-) and possibly try to learn more languages as more as possible :) if you want contact :) translate

person Anna
July 26, 2024
Hi,my name's Anna.I'm Italian,my interests are rock music( X JAPAN,LUNA SEA,L'ARC-EN-CIE L,GLAY, ONE OK ROCK),food, books and everything that makes me feel happy. I'm a friendly and open mind person. I'm interested to learn Ja..... translate

person Aleksi
July 26, 2024
Hello, My name is Aleksi and I'm half finnish and half italian. I live in Italy so my main language is italian but I have been taught english when I was very little and that's why I set it as another native language. I set finnish as a l..... translate

person alberto
July 26, 2024
Ciao . My name is Alberto . I correspond with mylanguageexchan ge since 2007 so probably I am one of the oldest member here . I'm a man 65 yo that lives and works in the beautiful town of Modena ( region Emilia Romagna, Italy ) . I'm divorce..... translate

person Luca
July 26, 2024
Hi, I am an italian native and I would like to improve my English speaking and listening skills,will be very nice with someone who would like learning italian language. translate

person Akira
July 26, 2024
Hello! I'm an Italian-Japanese living to North Italy, here to practice languages (mostly English) and making foreign friends. Thanks to this website I finally learnt to speak in English and lately I'm studying Russian as well, but I'..... translate

person Giorgio
July 26, 2024
Greetings! It's Giorgio. I'm an Italian native speaker and I speak English fluently. I'm passionate about reggae and rasta and I'm interested in learning Jamaican Patois and Iyaric (I'm not interested in English but Jamaican ..... translate

person Nadia
July 26, 2024
Hi! Nice to meet you! I am am Nadia, 35 years old and originally from Munich. I've been living in Vienna, Austria now for 10 years and super interest in cinema, languages, art and nature :-) I would love to improve my Italian speaking skills, as..... translate

person Enrico
July 26, 2024
hi ! I'm from Italy, i search someone for learn basic Japanese or other languages that I don't know and be friends,i'm planning to visit Japan soon, if want know more you can add me on instagram cav.enrico. I'm a personal trainer..... translate

July 26, 2024
Bonjour, je m'appelle Stéphanie, je suis de langue maternelle française (première langue) et italienne. J'ai étudié l'anglais à l'école (il y a longtemps!), je comprends ce qu'on me dit mais la fluidité de la langue me manque..... translate

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Italy Language Exchange Partners - Express Find by City
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language exchange in Bergamo Bergamo
language exchange in Bologna Bologna
language exchange in Bolzano Bolzano
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language exchange in Grosseto Grosseto
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language exchange in La Spezia La Spezia
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language exchange in Lecce Lecce
language exchange in Lecco Lecco
language exchange in Livorno Livorno
language exchange in Lucca Lucca
language exchange in Mantova Mantova
language exchange in Messina Messina
language exchange in Milan Milan
language exchange in Minerbe-Verona Minerbe-Verona
language exchange in Modena Modena
language exchange in Naples Naples
language exchange in Novara Novara
language exchange in Padova Padova
language exchange in Padua Padua
language exchange in Palermo Palermo
language exchange in Parma Parma
language exchange in Pavia Pavia
language exchange in Perugia Perugia
language exchange in Pesaro Pesaro
language exchange in Pescara Pescara
language exchange in Piombino Piombino
language exchange in Pisa Pisa
language exchange in Ragusa Ragusa
language exchange in Ravenna Ravenna
language exchange in Reggio Emilia Reggio Emilia
language exchange in Rimini Rimini
language exchange in Rivello Rivello
language exchange in Rome Rome
language exchange in Rovigo Rovigo
language exchange in Salerno Salerno
language exchange in Sassari Sassari
language exchange in Siena Siena
language exchange in Siracusa Siracusa
language exchange in Taranto Taranto
language exchange in Torino Torino
language exchange in Trento Trento
language exchange in Treviso Treviso
language exchange in Trieste Trieste
language exchange in Udine Udine
language exchange in Varese Varese
language exchange in Venice Venice
language exchange in Verona Verona
language exchange in Vicenza Vicenza
language exchange in Viterbo Viterbo is doing "extraordinary things online."

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- Juan Jos Guerrero, Seville (Spain)
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Member Testimonials
"My language exchange is working wonderfully." ..."We couldn't be happier with the exchange. Thank you for setting it all up. Thank you for everything."

- John C., New York, United States

"It has been a great experience for me so far." ..."this is my #1 favorite online site. Thanks."

- United States

..."I'll be using your site to practice my French, and I'll recommend it to everyone I know.

- Katerina Vallianatos, ESL Teacher, U.S.A.

..."Cela fait environ un mois que je cherche des sites de ce genre sans en rencontrer un à mon goût. Je vous félicite vraiment et vous remercie beaucoup. Continuer votre beau travail."

- Paskoila, St-jean (Québec) Canada

"I recommended your site to my Spanish professors and other students. I think it's a great idea!" ..."I will use it more in the future as a teacher. Thanks."

- United States

..."finally something useful on the Internet."

- Niel Smith, Silicon Valley, California, U.S.A.

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