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Seeking Partners - I want to learn Hungarian, can help you with your spanish - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: I want to learn Hungarian, can help you with your spanish

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I want to learn Hungarian, can help you with your spanish
Hi, I'm looking to learn hungarian from the basic, and I would gladly help you with your spanish. If you want to contact me, check my profile ;)

Language pair: Spanish; Hungarian
Juan Pablo
October 30, 2006

Re:I want to learn Hungarian, can help you with your spanish

I am native Hungarian speaker. And I want to learn Spanish from the basic. So I can help you.

Language pair: Spanish; Hungarian
This is a reply to message # 92823
October 31, 2006

Re:Re:I want to learn Hungarian, can help you with your spanish
Hi there! I don't know if you have google talk, but you can contact me there, so just check my profile ...

Language pair: Spanish; Hungarian
This is a reply to message # 92868
Juan Pablo
November 1, 2006

Re:Re:Re:I want to learn Hungarian, can help you with your spanish
Yes I have and I invited you (ivonnhita...). I am free at evenings:
exactly after 8.00 pm.

Language pair: Spanish; Hungarian
This is a reply to message # 92961
November 3, 2006


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