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Culture/History/Ethnology - Christmas - Language Exchange

Category: Culture/History/Ethnology
Discussion: Christmas

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Now that Christmas is here soon, I'd like to know how it is celebrated in different countries. What kinds of foods do you eat? When do you get your presents (if you get any)? Are your Christmas traditions more Christian based or Santa Claus based? etc. Hope this'll become an interesting discussion!

Language pair: Finnish; English

November 26, 2005

Terve Hanna!

That`s how we celebrate Christmas in Germany:
The kinds here have aslo a calendar with little presents in it. They have to open from december,1st till Christmas every day a door. We shape a few days before Christmas the Christmas tree and put the presents under it.
The most people here in Germany go to the church on Christmas evening.Afterwards they have dinner, usually turkey and different salads. Then it´s time for the presents and everyone get his gift.
And what about Suomi?

moi moi

Language pair: Finnish; English
This is a reply to message # 66233
November 27, 2005

We also have Christmas calendars, where you open a new "hatch" every morning. Before and during the Christmas we eat little cookie-like pastries, gingerbread bisquits, and drink a warm drink called mulled wine (with or without alcohol). The Christmas tree (a real spruce) is usually brought to the house a couple of days before Christmas, and decorated. The Christmas presents are put under it.
Finns get their presents on the Christmas Eve, at about 6 o'clock in the evening. Before that, Christmas peace is declared in the TV at noon. In the morning we eat rice porridge, and in the evening fish, ham, casseroles, and salad of pickled herring and vegetables. Then we have plum pudding for dessert, and all sorts of pastries ;)

Language pair: Finnish; English
This is a reply to message # 66313

November 28, 2005


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