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Vacations/Travels - Puti in Japan, part 3 of 3 - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Puti in Japan, part 3 of 3

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Puti in Japan, part 3 of 3
(Continued from part 2)

After Kanazawa we visited the city of Himeji which has a famous white castle. We visited the castle guided by a cousin of my wife. The castle looks bright outside, but is somewhat gloomy inside due to its dark-brown wooden interior and scarcity of window area. (You do not really want panorama windows in a building bombarded by thousands of aggressive enemies.) The castle has often been used as the stage of Kurosawa's samurai movies.

In Kurashiki city we saw more of historic town streets. The word "kura" means a storehouse for comestibles or other merchandise. These storehouses of the city have been protected, as there are not too many of them left in Japan any more.

The city of Okayama, besides Himeji and Kurashiki, was a third city in the southern Japan we visited. Okayama ha a large and beautiful park. Not very far from Okayama there is a very long and high bridge connecting the mainland Japan to Shikoku island. We did not go as far as Shikoku, but stopped at the small Yushima island at the midpoint of the bridge to eat a lunch in a restaurant.

We visited Kyoto, too, as my wife wanted to show the historic buildings to our children, but son got a fever, so I returned with him to Tokyo, leaving my wife and daughter to continue their excursion in Kyoto.

As a finale of our trip we saw the firework show in Chofu city (actually a part of Tokyo). My wife felt very happy, as she is a great enthusiast of fireworks. She is dreaming about seeing again a show with a "sanjaku" firecracker large enough to fill the whole sky with its light. Sanjakus are so large that their launching site must be selected carefully in order to not cause damage to the surrounding city.

The last day or two we spent buying presents for our Finnish relatives and filling our bags with foodstuffs not available in Finland.

Now we are back to Finland. Our holidays are over but the summer goes still on for a while. Next summer that we do not go to Japan, I plan to compensate my losses by going to northern Finland and basking in the midnight sun for a good while. :-)


Language pair: Finnish; Thai

August 6, 2005


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