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Internet Technology - Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?

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Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
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Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
I've seen that there are many friends that are not Gold Members and want to practice/learn Spanish. Let's try something different while anyone of you become a Gold Member, let's start a lesson and keep it as updated as possible in this B.Board. Would you join it?

Come and join this Spanish Leeson # 1.

PERSONAL PRONOUNS (Subject Pronouns):
The words I, you, he, she, we, you, and they are called subject pronouns. Spanish has corresponding subject pronouns. Here’s a list of the English subject pronouns and their Spanish equivalents:

I Yo
you Tu
he,she,it El, Ella, Eso(a)
we Nosotros
you Ustedes
they Ellos, Ellas

You (singular) can be translated as:

usted/you (formal,polite)
tú/you (informal,familiar)


Speaking to your boss: usted
Speaking to your daughter: tú
Speaking to your teacher: usted
Speaking to your friend: tú

This same distinction with regard to degree of formality occurs in the plural form as well. When referring to "you" there are two choices in Spanish:

ustedes/you formal (more used in Latin America, even for formal and familiar, we use Usted, Ustedes)

vosotros/you familiar (more used in Spain)

Verb to Be conjugation in Present Tense (indicative):
As in every language, this is one of the most important verbs, and of course it's irregular.

Yo Soy / I am
Tu Eres / you are
El,Ella, Eso Es / He, she, it is
Nosotros Somos / We are
Ustedes Son / You are
Ellos/as Son / They are

Time to practice!

I am Rafael: Yo soy Rafael

You must continue...

You are Robert(formal):
You are Robert(informal):
She is Susy:
That's is a dog (un perro):
We are Students (estudiantes):
You are friends (amigos):
They are brothers (hermanos):

Good Luck! Continuing this lesson depends on all of you.

2nd Lesson: Genders.

Rafael Palafox

Language pair: Spanish; English
November 23, 2004

Re:Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
!Hola! sinor Rafael. Que tal?
I'd like to join your Spanish lessons here. Y check out my answers Por favor.

1.You are Robert (Formal) - Usted eres Robert (Robrto??)
2.You are Robert (Informal) - Tu eres Robert
3.She is Susy - Ella es Susy
4.That is a dog - Eso es un perro/ Esa es una perra (is that right?)
5.We are students - Nosotros somos estudiantes *(is that for both genders?)*
6.You are friends - Ustedes son amigos *(amigos for male and amigas for female, what if the friends where both male and famale?)*
7.They are brothers - Ellos son hermanos

Language pair: Spanish; All
This is a reply to message # 39975
November 24, 2004

Re:Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
Thanks you all for your answers:

Correct answers:

You are Robert (formal): Usted es Roberto
You are Robert (informal): Tu eres Roberto
She is Susy: Ella es Susy
That's is a dog (un perro): Eso es un perro
We are Students (estudiantes): Nosotros somos estudiantes
You are friends (amigos): Ustedes son/Vosotros sois amigos
They are brothers (hermanos): Ellos son hermanos

Kim, pls verify the correct conjugations. It’s really important as TO BE (SER) is a very basic and used auxiliary verb in Spanish!.

Marcin, Actually, our next lesson has relation with Articles, then after learning about genders, w’ll go further on Definite and Indefinite Articles . “A FUERZA NI LOS ZAPATOS ENTRAN = It’s the hardest thing to ask someone to do something by forcing him, It’s like trying to put on a pair of shoes that are 2 sizes less than yours .


Part I

What do you notice about the last letter of these nouns?
Masculine: el gato,el perro,el chico, el abuelo
Feminine: la gata, la perra, la chica, la abuela

For living-things, nouns that end in -O are usually masculine. Nouns that end in -A are usually feminine. There are exceptions.

We can only predict the gender of living creatures related nouns.

The problem comes with non-living things. Try to predict whether the Spanish words for the following things are masculine or feminine:

Masculine or feminine? Book,house, money, window

Then we’ll have to look at the article, when you learn a new noun, you should also learn its definite article (el, la, los, las), or indefinite article (un, una, unos, unas).

Part II
Masculine nouns that end in A CONSONANT often have a corresponding feminine form that ends in -a.

el profesor - la profesora el doctor-la doctora el señor- la señora

But Some nouns that refer to people use the same form for both MASC & FEM (M & F). These nouns indicate gender by the article (el or la).

el estudiante / la estudiante = student M & F
el pianista / la pianista = pianist M&F
el artista / la artista = the actor / the actress

So, here are some RULES:

a) Nouns that end in -SIÓN, -CIÓN, -DAD, -TAD, -TUD, -UMBRE are feminine.

la televisión / The tv
la conversación / the conversation
la ciudad / the city
la dificultad / the dificulty
la actitud the actitud
la certidumbre / the certitude

b) Some nouns that end in -A are masculine.

el mapa

c) Many nouns that end in -MA are masculine.

el telegrama
el programa
el problema

Note: A few nouns that end in -MA are feminine, such as la cama (bed) and la pluma (pen)

Four of the nouns that end in -a are simply exceptions and must be memorized.

1) el día / day 2) el mapa / map 3) el planeta / planet 4)el sofá / sofa

A few nouns that end in -o are feminine.
la mano / hand , la radio


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 39975
November 24, 2004

Re:Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?

1) Robert in Spanish is Roberto,& Roberta for female. (and its short version Bob = Beto )
4) Esa es una perra => it’s ok.
5) Nosotros somos estudiantes => Yes, estudiantes is for both, male and female
6) … what if the friends where both male and famale? => When we find a male and a female, we refer to both of them using the MASCULINE PLURAL.


Ana y Roberto son AMIGOS / Anne and Robert are friends


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40038
November 26, 2004

Re:Re:Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
Hello! I'd like to learn Spanish also. Please help me along, for I am not the best Spanish speaker and I would like to gradually learn the language well. Also, do you have any tips for a baginner?

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40038
November 27, 2004

Re:Re:Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
Hola, que pasa . ?

Me no español. (Did I say that right?)
Pero. .solamente hablo un poco de español
y lo comprendo a little bit. I want to learn more.
and I thought this was a god idea, what you're doing. :)

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40112
November 28, 2004

Re:Re:Re:Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
Muchas gracias senor profesor.
I have another question..I'm so sorry.
1.I read that in some part of spain the C after I and E are pronounced like TH in ThankX / eg. cien .. is that correct?
2.And is the Z pronounced like Th in Thing?? or like S ??

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40180
November 28, 2004

Re:Re:Re:Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
I think this is a great idea, as in spanish it is very different to english as there are so many verbs. And also a lot of smart ----- who think they know it all, when some people really want to learn and get knocked back for trying, good for you for trying to set up something worth while

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40180
November 28, 2004

Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
MARY: I’d be really happy to teach you all and those who want to join this ‘course’. So, I would advise you to go to the first and second lessons (Personal Pronouns, “ser” verb conjugation and genders) and answer my first class excercises . I’ll try to follow an order so that you can learn gradually.

I’m also studying languages by myself, at this moment I’m learning Greek, so, I have some good tips that have helped me a lot. I’ll add some information on the Practice TIPS Category about learning languages techniques. Look for them there.


You really made me smile by calling me “Señor Profesor” , I don’t deserve that title, but thanks.

As per your question: I’m not an expert about SPAIN local Phonetics, however that’s true, people from Spain use to pronounce letter Z as TH in Thanks, & as “C” is in some cases a variation of Z (when Z goes before E or I, it changes into C) they also use to pronounce “C” in the same way.

However, Don’t worry about local pronunciation. if you pronounce “zapato” like [sa-pa-to] with /s/ sound instead of with /th/ sound, there won’t be any problem. Of course there are some problems we may face by speaking with a different accent, but I thing that those minimal ‘hearing’ barriers can easily be surmounted by practicing. So if you go to Spain and you get their accent, then if you to go any American country (México, for example) it will take a bit to get used to the new accent/tone, but nothing difficult to be overcome, this phenomenon is also found within a country, people from the North speak differently from people form the South. It’s just a matter of time to change your accent, and that’s perfectly understood … and forgiven! :)


That’s why I decided to start this lessons. I had been begging for months for someone to help me with my greek until I realized that nobody is going to help me if they do not get something in exchange. That’s perfectly understood, but well I learned something valuable from it: I can and I will do it by myself, if I was able to learn Italian and Portuguese by myself, so why wouldn’t I be able to go ahead with Greek?. Besides, all of the new members are eager to learn a language, but not all are willing to teach a language. And from those that are willing to do it, not many know how to do it.


So, you’re welcomed to this class if you want to join it.


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40214
November 29, 2004

Re:Re:Re:Re:Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
When is lesson three coming...

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40214
November 30, 2004

LESSON 3: Definite and Indefinite Articles
The difference between definite articles and indefinite articles can be observed in the following two sentences:

Give me the chocolate chip cookie.
Give me a cookie, please.

Imagine a plate full of cookies. There are peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies, and one chocolate chip cookie.

The first sentence speaks of a particular (or definite) cookie:
Give me the chocolate chip cookie.

The second sentence speaks of any of a number of cookies (or an indefinite cookie):

Give me a cookie, please.

the difference between the definite and indefinite articles is the difference between talking about A SPECIFIC cookie, or ANY COOKIE at all.

the cookie
a cookie

In English, the definite article is "the" regardless of whether the noun is singular or plural.

the cookie(s)

In Spanish, THE DEFINITE ARTICLE HAS 4 FORMS, depending on whether the noun is masculine, feminine, singular or plural.

el gato / the male cat
los gatos / the male cats
la gata / the female cat
las gatas / the female cats

Note: The masculine plural definite and indefinite articles (los, unos) are also used to indicate a group of mixed sex. Thus, "los gatos" could refer to a group of 10 male cats, or it could refer to a group of 9 female cats and one male cat.

El / masculine singular
la / feminine singular
los / masculine plural
las / feminine plural

In English, the indefinite article is the word "a," "an," or "some."

a cookie, an apple, some books

In Spanish, the indefinite article has 4 forms, depending on whether the noun is masculine, feminine, singular or plural.

un gato / a male cat unos gatos/ some male cats
una gata/ a female cat unas gatas/ some female cats

Note: Remember, as long as the group of creatures HAS AT LEAST one male member, the masculine plural article is used.

un / masculine singular
una / feminine singular
unos / masculine plural
unas / feminine plural

Here are the definite and indefinite articles together:

el, un / masculine singular
la, una / feminine singular
los, unos / masculine plural
las, unas / feminine plural

Each of the following has a different meaning:

el gato / the male cat
los gatos /the male cats (or a mixed group)
la gata /the female cat
las gatas / the female cats
un gato/ a male cat
unos gatos/some male cats (or a mixed group)
una gata/a female cat
unas gatas/some female cats

Un and una can mean "one," "a," or "an."
un libro/ one book, a book
una pluma / one pen, a pen
una manzana / one apple, an apple

“I HEAR and I forget, I SEE and I remember, but I DO and I understand”

Please, practice ! :) In our next lesson we’ll do some exercises about what we’ve learned so far.


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40283
November 30, 2004

Re:LESSON 3: Definite and Indefinite Articles
My suggestion:
Since there is a lot of words common to english and spanish,try to activate this potential in the following way or in some other manner you find sutable:

In Spanish, the indefinite article has 4 forms, depending on whether the noun is masculine, feminine, singular or plural.

(spanish : español, indefinite : indefinido, article : artículo, form : forma, depend : depender, depending : dependiente, masculine: masculino, feminine : femenino, singular : singular, plural : plural)


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40331

December 2, 2004

Re:Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
This is so great! I've been waiting for something like this. My Spanish 1 class is so easy, but that may be because my grandfather speaks Spanish, so I pretty much know everything we are learning so far. It'll be nice to have a challenge. Is it too late to join?

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 39975

December 3, 2004

TIME TO PRACTICE Lessons 1 to 3
Thanks for your suggestions Aleksandar!

Molly: NEVER IS LATER! Come and Join our classes :)


Fill in the blanks with the correct answer: personal pronouns, correct definite or indefinite article, be careful with genders. we’ll use all what we’ve learned so far :)

A) Fill in the blanks with the correct answer: Example: Usted ES mi amigo / you ARE my friend (polite).
Yo _____ un estudiante de idiomas / I’m a languages student.
Tú _____ un estudiante también. / You’re a student too.
Ustedes _____ buenos amigos / You’re good friends
Ella ____ mi amiga / She’s my friend.
El perro _____ mi mascota / the dog is my pet.
Roberto, Miguel y Yo _______ Mexicanos / Robert, Micke and I are Mexicans.
México _______ mi país / Mexico is my country.

B) Complete the next chart with the corresponding Personal Pronoun in Spanish: eg We = NOSOTROS

I =>
You =>
He =>
She =>
It =>
We =>
You =>
They =>

C) Genders: Complete the sentence with its corresponding ARTICLE (definite)
___ perro es bonito / dog-beautiful
___ Casa son grandes / house-big.
___ mano es pequeña / hand-small
___ abuelos / grandfathers
___ gatas / female-cats.
_______ estudiantes / students
___ television / tv

D) Complete with Indefinite Articles: eg. Una televisión / a t.v.

___ mapas / maps
___ problema / problem
___ días / days
___ planeta / planet
___ sofás / sofas

E) Fill in the blank with its corresponding verb, article, personal pronoun, take care of its gender :)

Yo ______(verb to be) Marcos, ______ (verb to be) _____ (indefinite art) estudiante de Idiomas.
Profesora Mónica, ________ (Personal Pronoun, formal) _____ Inglesa ó de Estados Unidos?; Yo _______ (to be) de Estados Unidos, pero mis papás __________ (to be, plural) Ingleses. ______ (3rd Plural Personal pronoun) viven en _______ (definite article) ciudad de Londres.

F) Complete with the correct DEFINITE article, I’ll add the translation but I WON’T indicate if it’s male or female: e.g. EL carro, LA escoba

___ perros /dogs, ______ gata/cat, _____ carro/car, _____ biblioteca /library, _____ ciudades /cities
___ libertad/liberty ____ lecciones / lessons.
Now let’s use INDEFINITE articles: eg. Un amigo/a friend, unas casas / some houses
____ programa/program, ___ problemas / problems, ____ manos /hand, ____ radio / radio.

Good Luck.

“I HEAR and I forget, I SEE and I remember, but I DO and I understand”


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40484
December 4, 2004

Re:TIME TO PRACTICE Lessons 1 to 3
A) Yo (soy) estudiante de idiomas.
TU (eres) un estudiante tambien.
Ustedes (son) buenos amigos.
Ella es mi amiga.
El perro (es) mi mascota.
Roberto,Miguel y Yo (samos) Mexicanos.
Mexico (es) mi pais.
I=> Yo / you=> Usted\Tu / He=> El / She=> Ella / It=> Eso(m) Esa(f)
We=> Nosotros\Nosotras / You=> Ustedes\Vosotros / They=> Ellos(m)
C) (El) Perro es bonito./ (La) Casa son grandes./(La) mano es pequena./(Los) abuelos./(Las) gatas./(Los) estudiantes./
(La) television.
D) (Los) mapas./(El) problema./(Los) dias./(El) planeta./(Los) sofas.
E)Yo (soy) Marcos,(soy)(un) estudiante de Idiomas.
Profesora Monica (eres usted ) Inglesa de Estado Unidos? Yo (soy) de Estados Unidos, pero mis Papas (son) Ingleses.(Nosotros) viven
en (la) ciudad de Londres.
F) (Los) perros / (La) gata / (El) carro / (La) biblioteca /
(Las) ciudades / (La)libertad / (La) lecciones.
(Un) programa / (Unos) problemas / (Las)manos / (La) radio.
ThanX God I finished....

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40548
December 5, 2004

ANSWERS (Review Lessons 1 to 3 )
Thanks Rabbit for your answers, there were some minor mistakes, but nothing unable to be solved.


Yo (SOY) un estudiante de idiomas / I’m a languages student.
Tú (ERES) un estudiante también. / You’re a student too.
Ustedes (SON) buenos amigos / You’re good friends
Ella (ES) mi amiga / She’s my friend.
El perro (ES) mi mascota / the dog is my pet.
Roberto, Miguel y Yo (SOMOS) Mexicanos / Robert, Micke and I are Mexicans.
México (ES) mi país / Mexico is my country.

B) Complete the next chart with the corresponding Personal Pronoun in Spanish: eg We = NOSOTROS

I => YO
You => TÚ, USTED
He => ÉL
She => ELLA
It => ESO, ESA

C) Genders:
Complete the sentence with its corresponding ARTICLE (definite)

(EL) perro es bonito / dog-beautiful
(LAS) Casa son grandes / house-big.
(LA) mano es pequeña / hand-small
(LOS) abuelos / grandfathers
(LAS) gatas / female-cats.
(LOS ó LAS) estudiantes / students
(LA) television / tv

D) Complete with INDEFINITE Articles: eg. Una televisión / a t.v.

(UNOS) mapas / maps
(UN) problema / problem
(UNOS) días / days
(UN) planeta / planet
(UNOS) sofás / sofas

E) Fill in the blank with its corresponding verb, article, personal pronoun, take care of its gender :)

Yo [SOY] (verb to be) Marcos, [SOY] (verb to be) [UN] (indefinite art) estudiante de Idiomas.
Profesora Mónica, [USTED] (Personal Pronoun, formal) [ES] Inglesa ó de Estados Unidos?; Yo [SOY] (to be) de Estados Unidos, pero mis papás [SON] (to be, plural) Ingleses. [ELLOS] (3rd Plural Personal pronoun) viven en [LA] (definite article) ciudad de Londres.

F) Complete with the correct DEFINITE article, I’ll add the translation but I WON’T indicate if it’s male or female: e.g. EL carro, LA escoba

[LOS] perros /dogs, [LA] gata/cat, [EL] carro/car, [LA] biblioteca /library, [LAS] ciudades /cities
[LA] libertad/liberty [LAS] lecciones / lessons.

Now let’s use INDEFINITE articles: eg. Un amigo/a friend, unas casas / some houses
[UN] programa/program, [UNOS] problemas / problems, [UNAS] manos /hand, [UNA] radio / radio.


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40576
December 8, 2004

Re:ANSWERS (Review Lessons 1 to 3 )
Thank you for checking my answers.
I saw my mistakes and found that they were a lot.
Guess I need to practice harder.
Hasta luego!

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 40798
December 10, 2004

Re:Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer: personal pronouns, correct definite or indefinite article, be careful with genders. we’ll use all what we’ve learned so far :)

A) Fill in the blanks with the correct answer: Example: Usted ES mi amigo / you ARE my friend (polite).
Yo estoy un estudiante de idiomas / I’m a languages student.
Tú estas un estudiante también. / You’re a student too.
Ustedes estan buenos amigos / You’re good friends
Ella esta mi amiga / She’s my friend.
El perro es mi mascota / the dog is my pet.
Roberto, Miguel y Yo estamos Mexicanos / Robert, Micke and I are Mexicans.
México es mi país / Mexico is my country.

B) Complete the next chart with the corresponding Personal Pronoun in Spanish: eg We = NOSOTROS

I = Yo
You =Tu
He =El
She =Ella
It = lo
We = nosotros
You = Usted
They = Ustedes

C) Genders: Complete the sentence with its corresponding ARTICLE (definite)
El perro es bonito / dog-beautiful
La Casa son grandes / house-big.
El mano es pequeña / hand-small
Los abuelos / grandfathers
Las gatas / female-cats.
Los estudiantes / students
El television / tv

D) Complete with Indefinite Articles: eg. Una televisión / a t.v.

Unas mapas / maps
Una problema / problem
Una días / days
Una planeta / planet
Unas sofás / sofas

E) Fill in the blank with its corresponding verb, article, personal pronoun, take care of its gender :)

Yo estoy(verb to be) Marcos, estoy (verb to be) el (indefinite art) estudiante de Idiomas.
Profesora Mónica, usted (Personal Pronoun, formal) _____ Inglesa ó de Estados Unidos?; Yo estoy (to be) de Estados Unidos, pero mis papás estan (to be, plural) Ingleses. ______ (3rd Plural Personal pronoun) viven en _______ (definite article) ciudad de Londres.

F) Complete with the correct DEFINITE article, I’ll add the translation but I WON’T indicate if it’s male or female: e.g. EL carro, LA escoba

Los perros /dogs, La gata/cat, El carro/car, La biblioteca /library, Los ciudades /cities
La libertad/liberty Las lecciones / lessons.
Now let’s use INDEFINITE articles: eg. Un amigo/a friend, unas casas / some houses
La programa/program, Las problemas / problems, Los manos /hand, El radio / radio.

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 39975

December 14, 2004

Re:Re:Why don't we start with Spanish Lessons in this B. Board?
I'm so sorry, I've been on vatations, that's why no new lesson has been added.

If you still want to continue this course, let me know.


R. Palafox

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 41085
January 20, 2005

Wonderful job!
You've done an outstanding job there Rafael! It's great to see people like you, who are always helping out with whatever they can. It is somehow difficult to find this kind of persons nowadays, so it really brings a smile to my face when I see this behaviour.

I'll be more than pleased to provide assistance with spanish to anyone who needs some tuition, or just has a simple, or perhaps not so simple question.

Unfortunately, because of work, my time is limited, so I won't be able to manage to write any structured lessons like yours.


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 41085

January 21, 2005

Re:Wonderful job!
Thanks Rod, very kind of you.

Greetings to Tijuana, I have a nephew living just there since about 3 months ago.

Muito obrigado, bom dia.

Rafael Palafox

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 43253
January 21, 2005

Re:Re:Wonderful job!
I would appreciate it, Rafael, if you continued your lesson. My Spanish teacher is on maternity leave, and our long-term substitute is dreadfully inadequate. I am in need of some intelligent instruction, but if you do not have the time, don't continue on my account. Gracias!


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 43281

February 2, 2005

Re:Re:Wonderful job!
Lo siento! I replied to this one accidentally. Please pardon the mistake.


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 43281

February 2, 2005

Re:Re:Re:Wonderful job!
Okay, now I just feel stupid. I meant to write the first one, but I thought I responded to the wrong message, thus the second post.


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 44067

February 3, 2005

Spanish Lessons
¡Hola, todos¡ ¿Cómo están?

What's going on with the Spanish lessons around here? It looks like they petered out over the Christmas holidays and never really got going again.

So what's available? Do we have any students, teachers, anyone keeping an eye peeled in this thread?

I was wondering if it was possible that this thread had petered out because there wasn't a way for new teachers/students to find it. I don't know who would think to look for it here in Internet technology, unless there was some way for someone who knew to find the people who would want to know.

If we get enough interest, perhaps some of the students would be willing to monitor the new members and looking for partners areas, and notify the spanish speaking members that this is going on. Perhaps if enough of us clamored for a special Spanish language board area, we might get one.

Well, if anyone is still here, let me know what you think.

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 43281

February 21, 2005

Re:Spanish Lessons
Hi, Mark:

I'm who started this mini-course. I've posted it here because this is one of the categories that less postings have, so it was easier to find it when we were studying it; otherwise this course may have been lost withing the hundred of postings added everyweek if I had posted it in any other categorie, so practically in 1 week it would be lost.

Sadly, not many students were intereseted on it, may be because I decided to start it from the very basic spanish, and may be spanish students found it very redundant, I really don't know; besides, let me tell you that preparing a class takes too long and I used to do it as a good will gesture, because, basically I didn't get anything in exchange, anyway I'm helping some spanish students too.

You may find the way of contacting me if you're interested on this course, loof for my postings, there's one that specially gives you the key to contact me. Many did; and you'll get it too.


Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 45497
February 28, 2005

Re:Re:Spanish Lessons
¡Hola Rafael¡

Mucho gusto conocerle.

Buscó a la información que mencionó, pero, como yo, es usted muy prolífico, y no puedo revisar sobre tan muchas mensajes. Tal vez, si me puede dar un clave para una busca; por ejemplo, lo escribí yo mismo una mensaje, el número 45005, que al menos una persona he discubrió muy ayudante en el primer parrafo para tales cosas.

Muchas gracias por su servicio tan bondadoso!


Mark Springer
Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 46050

March 1, 2005

Re:Re:Re:Spanish Lessons
Okay, I did not understand the previous message, but I am wondering if the lessons are going to continue?

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 46076

March 5, 2005

Re:Re:Re:Re:Spanish Lessons
It looks like it will not continue in the way the were. It seems that Rafael was doing a lot of work and students were pulling in different directions. Though I'm informed that there's a wonderful StudySpanish site on the web. If you look for that, you should get lots of excellent help on your own, and you can always ask questions and practice what you are learning here.

Sorry about that.

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 46467

March 6, 2005

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Spanish Lessons
where can I find that Spanish study site.
Any helpwould be appreciated

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 46499
May 6, 2005

Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Spanish Lessons
Hi El,

I'm afraid nothing ever really happened with that, to my knowledge. However, I was able to find a few good free on-line sites that had some excellent lessons available on them. We're prohibited from naming organizations here, but you should find them if you do a web search for "learn" "Spanish" "online" "free". Add the name "Gerald" to your search string, and you'll find my very favorite site.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help with.


Sacramento, CA USA

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 51244

May 7, 2005


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