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Slang/Expressions - I would learn Danish, I came from Argentina. - Language Exchange

Category: Slang/Expressions
Discussion: I would learn Danish, I came from Argentina.

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I would learn Danish, I came from Argentina.
I speak Spanish (obviously)and also English and French.
I wanna learn Danish and improve my English and French, and teach you the language you want (as far as i know!).

My level of Danish is ZERO.

Language pair: Spanish; Danish
July 12, 2008

I want to learn spanish and I come from Denmark
In January I am travelling to Argentina and would therefore love to learn the language before hand. I can support you with Danish, Swedish, English and German.

Language pair: Danish; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 135956

November 7, 2008

Re:I want to learn spanish and I come from Denmark
Hi, I have no knowledge of danish but I can help you learn spanish. I'm argentinian by the way, so I'll be glad to answer any questions you may have regarding argentina and your travel.

Language pair: Danish; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 143461
November 8, 2008


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