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Slang/Expressions - Where can i get help to translate hebrew phonetically or see the transliteration? - Language Exchange

Category: Slang/Expressions
Discussion: Where can i get help to translate hebrew phonetically or see the transliteration?

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Where can i get help to translate hebrew phonetically or see the transliteration?
I do not know how to read hebrew yet. It is my goal to learn how to read hebrew this year. In the mean time i would like to use phonetic or hebrew transliteration. I want to use some children stories for this area. I also would like to learn and practice the little Hebrew I know.

Toda Rabah!

Language pair: Hebrew; Russian

May 4, 2008

Re:Where can i get help to translate hebrew phonetically or see the transliteration?
Hi. I am learning Hebrew too. A good book to use is called "Webster's Hebrew-English Dictionary". The dictionary has transliterated Hebrew and Hebrew script, verbs, nouns, and phrases. Good luck!

Language pair: Hebrew; Russian
This is a reply to message # 131618
June 19, 2008


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