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Slang/Expressions - Question about "How do you do" in hebrew - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Question about "How do you do" in hebrew

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Question about "How do you do" in hebrew
Hi I'm Riccardo, I'm italian and I am beginning to study hebrew. I have a curiosity about the corresponding of "how do you do" in hebrew.

I understand that "how do you do?" in hebrew is "ma schlomka?" (apologize for any wrong translitteration). Athough I learned it as a single expression, it came to my mind that "schlomka" could be "shalom-ka", that is, something like "your peace" (which makes sense). Since hebrew has different endings for yours-male and yours-female, does this mean that I should use two different expressions when I met a man or a woman? And should I use "ma schlomkem" (?) when I am introduced to a group?

Thank you in advance.

Language pair: Hebrew; Italian
December 28, 2007


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