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Language > Lithuanian
Category > Vacations/Travels

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visiting Vilnius soon... any recommendations?
Hi, I'm off to visit a friend in Minsk in a few weeks (hopefully all the arrangements will be completed), and I'm going to be spending a few days in Vilnius beforehand. I don't have any firm plans for things to do while I'm there, any suggestions?

Also, I can speak good English and some Russian... how much is the minimum amount I should know of Lithuanian? I managed to get by in Riga with just English, so I hope not much... I've read a little about Lithuanian grammar and pronunciation and it looks scary!

Language pair: Russian; Lithuanian
Steve H.
April 17, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Vilnius help
I'm going to Lithuania to spend a week on business in Vilnius. If anyone could give me any advice on Lituanian culture or language, it would be very appreciated.


Language pair: Lithuanian; All
Jon A.
February 27, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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