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Re:Re:I don't know how some people hate something or someone they don't know
Hi Alexander, and may peace be with u, too.

Language pair: English; English
Reem D.
December 24, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 9, 2008
I don't know how some people hate something or someone they don't know
Hating Islam is based on ideas implanted in some non-Muslims. Because if they read the Holy Quran and prophet Muhammad's sayings and biography, they would regret doing and saying things that really hurt Muslims.And I mean by (they) the pope, George Bush,some close-minded Danes who drew cartoons making Prophet Muhammad PEACE BE UPON HIM look like a terrorist, and many others.My message to those who have misconceptions about Islam is read the Holy Quran first before making a judgment based on what you think not on what is real.

Language pair: Arabic, other; English
Reem D.
October 9, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 9, 2008
Re:Re:Re:Re:War in Lebanon
Hi Dwyn, I'm not surprised, I know that in this world, there is bad people and good people also and maybe good people are the most, I don't know, I'm still hopeful.
But when I saw your profil and mainly your age, I was really surprised. You know what that means? That means teenagers are concious about the situation.
I would like to keep contact with you and maybe we can help each other with languages. I want to learn some German and I can help you with any of my languages:arabic,french, but I don't think you need help with English! This is my e-mail so please write to me Balquis_1 at lycos point com. see u!

Language pair: English; Chinese, other
September 21, 2006

# Msgs: 11
Latest: December 7, 2008
Re:Re:Re:Re:War in Lebanon
Hi, thinks for your care, I'm not from Lebanon,or Palestine. Maybe we are in peace but, we care about all arabic kids in the world, our children are suffering. But, thinks god we are still strong and we can survive.
Thinks again, Balquis

Language pair: English; Arabic, other
August 23, 2006

# Msgs: 11
Latest: December 7, 2008
Re:Re:Re:War in Lebanon
Hey, balquis?

Are you still around? We know you are in a very dangerous part of the world, and when you talk about being surrounded by war and then go quiet so suddenly and completely, it is very disturbing. If you see this, please post a message and let us know you are okay, will you?


Best wishes,

Sacramento, USA.

Language pair: English; Arabic, other
Mark S.
August 11, 2006

# Msgs: 11
Latest: December 7, 2008
Easy answers?
Hi Pierre,

I just incorrectly posted this response to your message 84301, but I meant to post it here. My apologies:

Hi Pierre,

You have a good many inspiring words, but I am afraid you do not consider very many sides of the situation. You talk like our American president, with lots of rhetoric and very little logic.

Consider your question about suicide bombers. You talk as if suicide bombing is an act of cowardice, and yet these are people who willingly die for what they believe in. I don't support their vicious murdering of innocent people, but I have to ask the question, What could motivate people to give their lives in a fight like this? The answer is that they suffer under so much oppression, they feel that these extreme measures are the only ones that remain. If we don't do something about the oppressive conditions that motivate such evil, then we are just as responsible for the violence as the perpetrators are.

Your question about Christians is foolish and irrelevant. Christian terrorism has a long and rich history. The most famous in recent years being our own Oklahoma city bombings. Timothy McVeigh was forced to die for his actions. He did not die voluntarily. I'd say that makes him more of a coward and not less of one.

Terrorism is terrorism, no matter which side is doing it. And it is even more unforgiveable when it is sponsored by the American government. If you are intersted in facts behind what is going on in the middle east, you can learn a lot by viewing web sites like www.impeachbush.com


Mark / Sacramento, CA

Language pair: English; All
Mark S.
August 3, 2006

# Msgs: 11
Latest: December 7, 2008
Re:Re:Re:War in Lebanon
Don't forget the reality of facts that nobody can't overlook in this sense.
All people who are living in arabic country aren't terrorists, for sure! don't be childish..
"Le droit sans épée n'est qu'un mot,la moralité, sans volonté,un songe creux"

Language pair: Arabic, other; English
August 2, 2006

# Msgs: 11
Latest: December 7, 2008
Re:Re:Re:War in Lebanon
Could you tell us who is house in such fondamentalist religious terrorist organisation like Al qaida,Hamas,Hesbollah..?
Have you seen any organisation in occidental country preached the destruction of a part of world in the name of god?
Have you ever seen a christian transformed in a bomb and burst himself in a m

Language pair: French; English
August 2, 2006

# Msgs: 11
Latest: December 7, 2008
Re:Re:Re:War in Lebanon
Dear balquis,

Please don't confuse the actions of my government for the interests of individual Americans. I couldn't care less about taking your people's land. I am a citizen of the United States of America, but in this century, have never been more ashamed of my country, never closer to becoming an expatriate.

Also, I think that the image that you get from your news may be distorted, like our news here is always distorted. Americans don’t want land in the Middle East, but our government wants power over oil, and our current government has been terribly aggressive and unethical in pursuing this.

But I'm sure these facts mean little to you. They don't change the fact that your people are under attack; and my country is helping to keep your people fighting. As I say, there is nothing to like about this situation. It will mean little to you to learn that I voted against Bush, that I have never supported him or his policies, and that I am constantly horrified that he is not being impeached. It will bring you little comfort to know that our government is also cheating Americans. The price of gasoline has doubled in the last years, and nobody has done anything about the price-gouging from our own oil companies.

I keep hoping that Americans will wake up and do something, but we are stupid people. Our president makes everything seem very simple, and we would rather believe him and be comfortable than think for ourselves and have to challenge his policies.

I don’t believe that you are a terrorist or that your people are terrorists. I expect that Lebanese and Palestinian people are like us. Most of us (in all three countries) are very good people. There are terrorists in every country, in mine as well as in yours, but where you live, the price of terrorism is terribly high. Like in Palestine, where the home of an entire family is destroyed if the Israelis find one terrorist (or accuse one of terrorism), so it is in Lebanon, that the entire country is made to suffer because of a small number of people. The policies of the Israeli government have mostly been harsh and unjust.

So you are "preaching to the choir" with me. I already agree with you. I wish I could offer you something more helpful and practical than my own commitment to do what is right and to speak the truth. I wish I could help fix the terrible things my government is doing. I can only offer you and your people my best wishes and prayers while I continue to tell the truth here at home with all of my heart.

ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã
Sacramento California, USA

Language pair: Arabic, other; English
Mark S.
August 2, 2006

# Msgs: 11
Latest: December 7, 2008
Re:Re:War in Lebanon
Well I'm arabic and muslum girl. you(americans) think that we are terrorists and you are trying to take our land chosing some statistics but excuse me its so bad and nothing convaince us (maybe some of u aren't pro) this is terrible I think!

Language pair: Arabic, other; English
August 1, 2006

# Msgs: 11
Latest: December 7, 2008
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