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Language > Fijian
Category > New Member

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Re:Re:Hello! Bonjour!
Hola, my name is Brianna, I am a fluent speaker in english, but can barely put a sentence together, and the strangest thing I can say in spanish, is french fries.

Language pair: Fijian; French
November 21, 2007

# Msgs: 9
Latest: November 21, 2007
hi,I'm Chinese,I want to learn Fijian properly,and I can teach you Chinese if you want, thanks.

Language pair: Fijian; English
November 8, 2007

# Msgs: 22
Latest: February 14, 2010
Re:I am French and I would like to improve my English, I will exchange for English.
Hello Jess!
My name is Laëtitia, I am 20 years old and I need to improve my english to take competitive examinations.
I can help you with your French end you will help me with my english.
I have too MSN and email.
See you soon!

Language pair: French; Fijian
November 4, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 4, 2007
Bula, I want to learn to speak Fijian fluently
I have been learning from a Fijian lady but she cannot teach me the correct grammar, I spend a lot of time in Fiji and would love to be fluent in the language. I am happy to help Fijian speaking people with their English, grammar and language. Vinaka

Language pair: Fijian; 
fiona s.
August 18, 2007

# Msgs: 1

I'm here to help you to learn Arabic

Language pair: Arabic, other; Fijian
zinou o.
August 2, 2007

# Msgs: 3
Latest: August 3, 2007
wHo wAnt's tO kNow mOre tOngaN wOrds jUss hiT mEe uP!!!!!............
Hi!....i speak fluent tongan! so thougHta i sEe wHo waNts to LeaRn how?....sO if yOu dO juss hIt meE up iN ma' inbox....

Language pair: Tongan; Fijian
Ta'AhiNe_ t.
May 11, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: January 13, 2009
Hello there,

My name is Suli and I'm from the beautiful Fijian Islands in the south Pacific.I'm not sure if you've heard about this part of the world.
Anyway I was just reading through some of the messages and I came through yours and I thought about replying.
I speak Fijian language and English perfectly well and if you're interested I could teach you any of the two.
Thank you and hope to hear from you.
Good Bye.

Language pair: Fijian; English
Suliasi R.
May 10, 2007

# Msgs: 22
Latest: February 14, 2010
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:want you speak Polish? and you can speak English ? contact me!
Hello there,

My name is Suli and I'm from the beautiful Fijian Islands in the south Pacific.I'm not sure if you've heard about this part of the world.
Anyway I was just reading through some of the messages and I came through yours and I thought about replying.
I speak Fijian language and English perfectly well and if you're interested I could teach you any of the two.
Thank you and hope to hear from you.
Good Bye.

Language pair: Fijian; English
Suliasi R.
May 10, 2007

# Msgs: 22
Latest: February 14, 2010
Total found: 18 !
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