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Category > Slang/Expressions

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Re:Learning Germany Language
If you're not only think of german pop songs but also think of beautiful german lyrics you should have a listen to singer songwriter like hannes wader or "weber und beckmann"

Language pair: German; Indonesian (Bahasa)
April 11, 2020

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 11, 2020
Learning Germany Language
Hay Hay, I do love learning Deutsche song. what's your favorite one?

Language pair: German; Indonesian (Bahasa)
Aulia L.
April 8, 2020

# Msgs: 2
Latest: April 11, 2020
Let's talk
I would like to know more about English common slang phrases and stable expressions. I can tell something about Russian slang :)

Language pair: English; 
March 23, 2020

# Msgs: 1

Re:Language help!
Hello this is Monika from Germany, I would be glad to get help in English, mainly in grammar. I'm confused about so much English tenses.
I would like to help in German.
Greetings from Germany

Language pair: German; English
Monika W.
March 20, 2020

# Msgs: 6
Latest: June 6, 2020
Would like to improve my Turkish.
I lived in Turkey for a year in 1982 and did fairly well getting around, however, it has been many years and I would like to refresh my skills. I would appreciate any help that could be given. I would be happy to assist with American English if you wis. Thank you.

Language pair: English; 
March 15, 2020

# Msgs: 1

Re:misunderstand the use of this platform and want to have a learning partner of Cantonese
Hi,it seems to be so late to reply your message but I hope you can see my reply.
I am a Hongkonger so I would like to help you to learn about the Cantonese. Also I would like to learn English from you and practice my English speaking.
Hope you can reply it when you see this message:)

Language pair: English; Chinese, Cantonese
Alan L.
March 4, 2020

# Msgs: 2
Latest: March 4, 2020
Re:General slang words
Hi, me chama pra gente conversar.

Language pair: English; Portuguese
gabriel s.
February 26, 2020

# Msgs: 3
Latest: February 26, 2020
Re:Re:Language help!
Hi Jhon,

I would be happy to have the opportunity to talk to you. Maybe we can use both languages - English and Spanish to communicate easier in that way.


Language pair: Spanish; English
Anca G.
February 22, 2020

# Msgs: 6
Latest: June 6, 2020
Re:Language help!
Hello dear! I'm Jhon, a Spokesman Latin America pal. We can help each other to improve very quickly and efficiently in our foreign languages needs. I studied a lot of English and Spanish literature, I have a profound knowledge of castellano Spanish Latin America slangs,jerks from writers and singers, and I think we can help each other and have a wonderfull (astonishing) time! So I await you. See ya! Espero tus necesidades en aprender mi idioma, y còmo a travès de un chat ameno, hablandome de tu persona, podemos no sólo aprender sino conocernos! Será un placer entablar relación contigo, querida. Espero tus inquietudes (y tú las mías) Nos vemos!!

Language pair: Spanish; English
Jhon H.
January 22, 2020

# Msgs: 6
Latest: June 6, 2020
searching for language exchange partner
I speak an intermediate German and I want to practice my German with a native speaker and I can learn him Arabic formal Arabic or slang Arabic please if you want to speak with me in Arabic and German contact me i am waiting your massege

Language pair: Arabic, Egyptian; German
Hend Z.
January 15, 2020

# Msgs: 1

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