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Language > Spanish
Category > Family and Pets

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i like cats, dogs,birds,etc to learn english,i like too much the english i speak a little,i can to teach spanish, if you want..ok

Language pair: Spanish; English
jorge p.
August 23, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Familia y animales
hola, well i speak spanish and english, y nomas quiero decir que tienes muchos gatos. yo nomas tengo dos perros (un macho y embra)

well that is all. ^__^

Language pair: English; Spanish
michelle b.
June 28, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: September 24, 2007
Familia y animales
Hola, estoy practicando mi español. No tengo niños pero tengo ocho gatos. Quisiera hablar con hispanohablantes para mejorar mi conocimiento, y yo os ayudaré a mejorar el inglés. Me encanta los animales, tengo un gato (mi preferido) que parece como "Garfield", es muy gordo y gingembre y se encanta de él mismo. No tengo gold account, así que sería necesario contactarme por email.


Language pair: English; Spanish
June 9, 2007

# Msgs: 4
Latest: September 24, 2007
Hóla Raven, Yo soy una mamá de diéz niños, tan me encantaría hablar sobre el childrearing. Yo hablo inglés, y yo vivo en Michigan. Yo aprendí hablar español en la escuela secundaria y la universidad, pero he olvidado mucho y deseo practicar más.

Language pair: English; Spanish
Amalia M.
November 29, 2006

# Msgs: 4
Latest: September 24, 2007
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:what about hamster?
Rats are actually quite friendly (at least the ones from the pet store, I'm guessing street rats are not as friendly). They loved to be bathed and held and played with. I used to feed them spaghetti. They loved it!

Language pair: English; Spanish
November 1, 2006

# Msgs: 14
Latest: November 1, 2006
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:what about hamster?
their names are ÅÀÅÀ(papa,not the english meaning, it is the pingyin) n °¢ÀÁ£¨alan£©£¬they are now staying in the cage safely. Actually, i want to change alan's name into °¢·Ê(fat)coz it is becongming fatter n fatter without much exercise.
i am scary of rats, be coz of their long tails.

Language pair: English; Spanish
Ying X.
October 29, 2006

# Msgs: 14
Latest: November 1, 2006
Re:what about hamster?
I had black-and-white mice when I was a young boy. They, too, were prone to escape their box, and I had to try various ways to stop their nightly explorations in my home. One of them woke my mother by creeping into her bed and walking along her leg. One morning I found another one inside our piano after a long and thorough search.


Language pair: English; Spanish
Juha-Petri T.
October 27, 2006

# Msgs: 14
Latest: November 1, 2006
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:what about hamster?
What are their original names, like not translated?

I have had many hamsters. Their names were Tweety, Bubble, Wiggle, Zach, Milton, and Charles. I also had 2 rats named Stormie and Rachael. I actually liked having rats better than hamsters.

Language pair: English; Spanish
October 26, 2006

# Msgs: 14
Latest: November 1, 2006
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:what about hamster?
aha, i am quite happy to annouce that i have caught the hamster back to its cage.
actually, i bought i big cage for them: two floors with a slide, wheel,water supplier , n a "bed" on the second floor. sometimes i would think they live better than i do.
n about their names, well, maybe it sounds a bit weird when translated into english. one is called lazy n the other is called scary..
haha~funny, isn't it?"p

Language pair: English; Spanish
Ying X.
October 25, 2006

# Msgs: 14
Latest: November 1, 2006
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:what about hamster?
Do you have a top on your cage? If not, you should probably get one. Also, if the top comes off easily, you could put a book on top of it to keep it down. I used to have to do that. What kind of cage do you have? Is it like a fish aquarium tank, or a plastic hamster cage, or one of those cages that have little bars? Hope your hamster adventures improve!

Just curious, what are their names?

Language pair: English; Spanish
October 22, 2006

# Msgs: 14
Latest: November 1, 2006
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