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Language > Spanish
Category > Computer Technology

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Re:Spanish to English Electronic Translator

It¢¥s the BEST.

And WordReference.com

Language pair: Spanish; English
June 10, 2009

# Msgs: 1

hola, recien me integre a la comunidad de lenguageexchange y me parece genial la idea. quiero practicar Italiano porque vivire dentro de un mes, soy mexicano.
vorrei imparare italiano di piu
quanto costano i computer portatil in Italia?
necesito informacion sobre el costo de la tecnologia en Europa, no se si me convenga comprar una computadora portatil aqui en Mexico o mejor en Italia. saludos

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
Miguel R.
February 21, 2009

# Msgs: 1

Hola Michael, me llamo Sara, si estás interesado en aprender español yo te puedo ayudar, y tu a mí me podrías ayudar con el inglés.

Language pair: Spanish; English
Sara G.
January 2, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 2, 2009
hola valeria.. me llamo michael y soy de los estados unidos... yo hablo ingles pero tengo problema con mi espanol. y soy mexicano :( que mal!!!!! pero si estas interesada en aprender ingles... te puedo ayudar te si me ayudas con mi espanol :) bueno, hasta luego bye

Language pair: Spanish; English
Michael M.
January 1, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 2, 2009
Hello,I am Valeria. I am from Argentina. I am studing English. I would like to meet people interested in lern Spanish. Please, write to me.

Language pair: Spanish; English
valeria m.
December 20, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 2, 2009
Re:Re:Re:Answer computer questions for free

Well thanks for the suggestions. The laptop is not even two years old. The battery part, well I don't really know where it is at. This laptop doesn't have the removable part like my old used laptop. So everything is closed up. I am glad I still have insurance for it, I'll send it back for them to open it all up because I don't dare do it my self. Thanks(gracias).

Take care

Language pair: English; Spanish
June 16, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 16, 2008
Re:Answer computer questions for free
When I wanted to put my laptop on, it did not work. There was only a light on the button and no sign of life on the screen. I keept pressing the button but it did not want to turn on or off. I left it alone all day until the next day it worked when I plug it in. What could the problem be?

Language pair: English; Spanish
June 13, 2008

# Msgs: 4
Latest: June 16, 2008
Aprender Deutsch
Hola quiero cambiar mi español por el Alemán,,si estais interesados enviarme un correo...


Language pair: Spanish; German
Carlos B.
December 11, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:korean word processor
Es primera vez que ocupo esta cosa pero que deseas del español.

Language pair: Spanish; Spanish
Ronald A.
September 3, 2007

# Msgs: 5
Latest: September 3, 2007
I would like to know which speaks English
i'm systems analyst, i'm from Argentina and i
would like to know somebody to talk or write to us in english, in fact, the type's contact doesn't matter. My english is not very good, but, my native language is the spanish, perhaps, we could exchange languages. I'm not
gold member, please, write!! very many thanks!!

Language pair: Spanish; English
August 13, 2006

# Msgs: 1

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