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Category > Family and Pets

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Re:Re:Re:Re:what about hamster?
My hamsters escaped constantly, and I have cats. The hamsters always returned safely...except for the three legged one that got eaten by my cat. But, my hamsters without birth defects always managed. Hope you find yours soon!

Language pair: German; English
October 19, 2006

# Msgs: 14
Latest: November 1, 2006
Re:Re:Re:what about hamster?
I feel quite upset for my hamster, coz it escaped last night and hide somewhere in my room...

Language pair: German; English
Ying X.
October 18, 2006

# Msgs: 14
Latest: November 1, 2006
Re:Re:what about hamster?
well, last night i just can't help myself to buy a pair of these little cuties. The pet shop owner said what i bought was a type called "old man"(i observed, they got that name coz their face look really like an old man)
anyway, i hope they don't fight each other (i think i will keep them seperate when i am away from home)
btw, does hamster scares of water?

Language pair: German; English
Ying X.
October 14, 2006

# Msgs: 14
Latest: November 1, 2006
what about hamster?
hey everyone,
this is wing, from china. Currently i am thinking of raising a pair of hamster. I thought of raising a cuty dog or cat but my flat is so little...
what about you guys? share with me some cool ideas:)

Language pair: Chinese, Cantonese; English
Ying X.
October 9, 2006

# Msgs: 14
Latest: November 1, 2006
Re:Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coons are adorable. I do also have 2 Maine Coon cats.
The oldest one, who is a female is a 5-year old blue mackerel tabby.
The other cat is a 4-year old brown mackerel tabby. He is a male and weighs about 9 kilos.
In fact they are mother and son.

Language pair: English; Italian
September 12, 2006

# Msgs: 1

le france
Salut tous la de monde. Excusez moi pour mes fautes. Je ne parle pas bien le francais.Je suis de Kazakhstan.j`ai une famille de grande.Ils sont mon papa, mere, deux seor et un frere. Je n`ai pas quelque chiens. Merci.

Language pair: French; French
Assiya K.
September 3, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:I still miss England a lot
hi Helga! i've lived in London for 10 months some years ago...i miss it too and i still ask myself why the hell i decided to come back to Italy?! maybe we could share our experiences while practicing english?!
wish to hear soon from you, take care, Flavia*

Language pair: English; French
July 19, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 19, 2006
I have a pet
Hello,everybody.I am so lucky to get a dog to be my pet ,do you koow how Excit I am ?My mother always oject to aopt a pet ,but now a dog himself get my home!So surprised !who would like to hare my happiness ?Welecome!

Language pair: English; Chinese, Cantonese
æ¥ Á.
June 22, 2006

# Msgs: 1

I still miss England a lot
Have lived in England,together with my husband for 5 years and miss it a lot. As I returned to Germany in 1991 and haven't had many chances to practise the language I would like to write to any other mum in English (but can of course also help with your German, if you are interested).
Kind regards,

Language pair: German; English
April 30, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: July 19, 2006
Français & Español: voice chat

Bonjour! ¡Hola! Hejsan!

Dear Friends! I’m a young lad in my 30-s, optimistic and with sense of humor. If you are native FRENCH or SPANISH speakers and want to communicate live in voice chat, I’d be more than happy to make your acquaintance. In return I can offer you Russian & Swedish.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Let’s talk!

Language pair: French; Spanish
December 17, 2005

# Msgs: 2
Latest: January 12, 2009
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