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Language > Romanian
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Re:Bonjour !
:) Tu veux encore apprendre le roumain? ca serait sympa de parler avec qqun et essayer de lui apprendre ma langue! bonne soiree, Ana

Language pair: Romanian; French
Ana H.
December 15, 2011

# Msgs: 4
Latest: December 15, 2011
Hi I'm new here!
Hi i am new to here and am looking to find pen pals and friends to learn how to speak Romanian and Gaelic (Scottish). I hope to meet lots of new people. Feel free to contact me, as I am a free member I can not start contacts. Thank you

Language pair: English; Romanian
Bre F.
May 23, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Research-Romanian Women
I am looking for a person to interview for a Sociological assignment. I am traveling to Romania in a couple weeks and will be studying the views of Romanian women on abortion in their country. I would like to find a Romanian woman to chat with about her opinions on abortion in Romania and if she has ever had experience personally or known someone who has experienced an abortion in the country. My goal is to discover how Romanian women differ from women in the United States. I am also hoping to communicate with Romanian women that have lived during of have been influence in some way by that outlawing of abortion and birth contraceptives during the regime of Nicolae Ceauşescu. All of my research before and after traveling to Romania will be discrete and the identities of the women I speak to will be confidential. I will appreciate any experiences that you can share with me. Please contact me by email or on My Language Exchange .com. Thank you.

Language pair: English; Romanian
Lily R.
April 28, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Hi!! My friend knows a little Romanian, a little as in two words!!! So, we're hoping to extend our Romanian vocabulary, please help!!

Language pair: Romanian; 
Mary H.
March 15, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 15, 2011
I want to learn Irish. Vreau sa invat Irish.
Hello everybody! I wish to learn Irish and I can teach my partener how to speak with a native vampire, if she or he wants to find one in Dracula's country :)

Language pair: Gaelic (Irish); Romanian
March 12, 2011

# Msgs: 1

Hi, I'm from Romania. I can help you with your Romanian. I try to improve my conversation skills in English. Hope to hear form you soon.

Language pair: Romanian; 
Roxana N.
January 17, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: March 15, 2011
Re:Re:Romanian love messages
Thank you Silvia, this has helped me too as my boyfriend is also Romanian :)

Language pair: Romanian; English
January 10, 2011

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 10, 2011
Re:Romanian love messages
I can help you with some expressions, but first I need to know the kind of person he is. Normally, Roumanians use to name their lovers with animal diminutives. Ex.iepurasule, motanelule, pisoiasule, puisorul meu drag, etc. You can try one of these.
There are also some nice expressions: ¨Te iubesc mai mult ca orice pe lumea asta¨ (I love you more than anything in this world), ¨Esti un inger¨, (You are an angel¨), ´Esti tot ce am pe lume¨ (You´re all I have), etc.
We keep in touch.

Language pair: Romanian; English
November 14, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 10, 2011
Romanian love messages
Hi. My boyfriend is romanian and I am looking for cute things to say to him. Any ideas?

Language pair: English; Romanian
Chasity S.
November 10, 2010

# Msgs: 3
Latest: January 10, 2011
Re:I want to learn Bangla..
Hi Dora - Up for it..I am a Bengali..love to teach you Bangla in return for Romanian...get back PlZ...

Language pair: Romanian; Bengali
Monojit D.
October 19, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: October 19, 2010
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