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Language > Arabic, Moroccan
Category > Slang/Expressions

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Hey everyone, I'm Yari I am 21 live in the Houston, TX.. Was born in Panama and would really love to speak Morrocon Arabic! If anyone is up for it you can contact me. Thank you!

Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; Spanish
Yaritzel M.
September 8, 2010

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 9, 2010

Que tal ?

soy sofia, estoy estudiando in Paris.
Me gustaria aprender espanol. If you can help me that would be great

Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; French
November 13, 2009

# Msgs: 3
Latest: November 13, 2009
ich suche jemand der will arabisch lernen,und ich will englisch;spanisch lernen
hallo und salam ,fùr alle hier,
ich bin aus marokko und ich suche jemand der hillft mir um spanisch englisch zu lernen,und ich hillfe ihm/ihn arabisch zu lernen
das ist mein seite,bocuhra01 web de
danke salam

Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; German
bouchra01 j.
June 11, 2009

# Msgs: 1

hola quiero aprender arabe maroccan
soy rumana ,se hablar español nativo y quiero aprender arabic maroccan cuanto antes.por favor los que me puden ayudar se los agradezco desde ahora.

Language pair: Spanish; Arabic, Moroccan
georgiana b.
November 23, 2008

# Msgs: 1

el hablar en arabe
ayudenme por favor para saber mucho mejor el arabe en pronunciacion y escrito

Language pair: Spanish; Arabic, Moroccan
lui a.
October 29, 2008

# Msgs: 1

slt je suis aussi berber marocain et je cherche qlq1 pour m'aidé amelioré mon francai en echange je peu t'aidé parlé berber et arab marocain ..é merci

Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; French
jihane k.
September 22, 2008

# Msgs: 3
Latest: September 22, 2008
Re:hi all
am amal from morocco, i can help if you have any inquieries concerning french language.

Language pair: French; Arabic, Moroccan
amal h.
September 16, 2008

# Msgs: 8
Latest: December 29, 2008
hey ! i really want to learn japanese please if there is some one can help me try to contact me i speak frensh very well ,arabic and english

Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; French
nadia c.
June 9, 2008

# Msgs: 1

hi @ all, im german and i want to learn the arabic moroccan language..also i want to fresh up my english ;-) i can help u with german ..thx nadine

Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; English
May 28, 2008

# Msgs: 1

chat vocal
salam je cherche des menbres pour ouvrir une session de chat vocal en francais et arabe merci c'est urgent!

Language pair: Arabic, Moroccan; French
fat d.
May 5, 2008

# Msgs: 1

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