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Category > Study Abroad

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Re:Re:need yr help!!
I can speak Chinese mandarian, can you teach me some German?

Language pair: English; German
Esther K.
April 16, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Interested in going to UK soon!!
Hello everybody!

My name is Orjola and I am 27 years old. I intend to visit UK to study the English Language in a 4 week course very soon. I still haven't found a college/uni that seems good enough and cheap enough! Any of you got any information/tips/advices on courses on english language (4 weeks tops!) or about accomodation/homestay? Im in a very low budget so the cost of it is very important for me.

Moreover, is anyone interested in going with me so we could split the expenses? (for instance we could rent an appartment, which I believe would cost much lower than homestay seperately) I am open to all suggestions, as fast as you can because I want to leave this spring!



Language pair: English; Greek
Orjola M.
February 29, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Practicar en Espanol.
Hi, Irene!!!!! How are you? Well, first of all if you just come around to Buenos Aires you can count on me! I really like English but Im struggling with it. Please contact me, Im not a gold member.

Language pair: Spanish; English
February 19, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 24, 2004
Re:Learning French and Japanese!

parles-tu un peu le français, ou pas du tout?

A bientôt,




Do you speak french a little bit or not at all?

Read you soon,


Language pair: French; Japanese
February 18, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 18, 2004
Learning French and Japanese!
Hi! Hola! Ni Hao !I am Stella. I will visit Japan and Europe next year. I speak Mandarin, English ,Spanish and a little French. If you want to exchange languages with me,just tell me!!! see ya :)

Language pair: French; Japanese
stella l.
January 15, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: February 18, 2004
study in europe
i planned to study abroad after im graduate in year 2006 --can be earlier :) anyway i would like to know what should i prepare for it in language(s) if i want to study in luxemburgh, germany or sweden these are my choices--because some told me that they speak differently languages so if somebody can help me -i am appreciated that A LOTS!!! anyway i can exchange with you in thai and also my culture if you wanna know :)

Language pair: English; Thai
WaSItTha O.
January 13, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Aprender e practicar el espanol
hola jean claude que tal?
mi nombre es maria y soy de España(madrid),si quieres yo puedo enseñarte español.cualquier cosa que necesites preguntamelo.
yo no soy goldmember asi que contacta tu conmigo y te dare mi correo.

Language pair: Spanish; English
January 11, 2004

# Msgs: 1

I need help learning German
I speak English now and my whole family knows German. I know a little German, but that's exaggerating. I only know some words I heard my dad say. I will try to teach English in return! Thank you

Language pair: English; All
Char B.
January 3, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Hello Nicole !!
if you would like to learn in Turkish.I'm able to teach you.I know how to teach in Turkish very well .Because it's my second language. i can talk in Turkish better than my own language. I'm talking and writing in Turkish as native speaker and writter.I live in Toronto and i can help you to improve your english as well.
I'll look for forword to hearing you !!!
PS. I'm not a gold member

Language pair: Turkish; English
M. O.
November 22, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Free English lessons on Farmstay in exchange for work - Australia
I'm an English teacher at a Farmstay on Kangaroo Island in South Australia. I am looking for a young man who is interested in working on our farm for up to three months in exchange for free accommodation and free English lessons.
He must be able to come to Australia on a working holiday visa. He must have some working skills - he could be experienced in working on a farm, a carpenter, builder, labourer, mechanic or have some other skill which would be useful on the farm.
If you are interested, please email me.

Language pair: Japanese; English
October 10, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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