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Language > Spanish
Category > Vocabulary/Translations

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Re:Re:Re:can somebody help me with german?
Yes, it would.
For male and neutral nouns its "meines",
for female ones "meiner". That's all.

Language pair: English; Spanish
Johannes D.
October 6, 2003

# Msgs: 1


Are you a English native? Do you have any grammar/vocabulary problems in Spanish? I can help you ;o)

Can you help me with my English, por favor?

Gracias !!!!!!!!

Language pair: Spanish; English
laura s.
August 2, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Spanish slang help??
Hey, I'm American looking to improve my spanish skills (i've studied for 4 years so far and going for a 5th here in high school. I'm 17 years old by the way.) It is difficult to understand the native speakers here in town mainly due to very thick accents and the obscure slang. I just figured out last month what 'plata' was referring to heh.. and I thought they just really liked silver! What are some common youth phrases? Any help would be appreciated, please contact me. I can also help anyone who wants to practice their english. Thanks!

Now, let me try to roughly translate..

Hola, soy americana y me gustaria mejorar mi espanol. Ha estudido por 4 anos en mi escuela secundaria. Tengo 17 anos. Es dificil a entender los habladores nativos aqui en mi ciudad por que tienen accentos y se usan palabras extranas (como 'slang') En el mes pasado, yo aprendi que significa 'plata'... Pense que los jovenes estuvieron hablando del metal plata! Que son algunos frases mas comun de los jovenes? Por favor, ayudame! Escribame una carta si quieres hablar, y tambien yo puedo ayudar con el ingles. Muchas gracias!

Language pair: English; Spanish
June 20, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Hi there,
Many thanks for your post.

Yes, it's a complete sentence, it's from a videogame audio line (Deux Ex2) and there's a lot of slang in it. The issue is that I haven't got any context or situation for these lines.

Please, feel free to ask me for anything about Spanish language if you want.

Language pair: Spanish; English
June 9, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 9, 2003
Hi there
Please, I need some help about the following expression I've found in a translation:
"Yo, be ready to jacket this feeb..."
I can't say much about the context 'cause it's a single sentece.

Does anyone know what a "feeb" is? (could it be a non quite clever/skillful person?)

And any translation into Spanish for the whole sentence above?

Many thanks in advance. Regards, Oscar.

Language pair: Spanish; All
June 6, 2003

# Msgs: 2
Latest: June 9, 2003
Thanks for the translations, they were a great help!

Language pair: English; Spanish
May 31, 2003

# Msgs: 3
Latest: May 31, 2003
es un problema espanol
How do you say i miss you in spanish? Saludos Vera

Language pair: Spanish; Spanish
May 3, 2003

# Msgs: 1

How to say " I want to learn Hindi" in Hindi?
I am 20 years old.I am from Madrid and I am interesting in studying Hindi.

Language pair: Spanish; Hindi
Sergio R.
April 12, 2003

# Msgs: 1

Re:To the south
I am a native English speaker.

"He grew up in Gobi-Altai province *TO* the south" indicates that Gobi-Altai is further south from where you are now.

If you say "Gobi-Altai *IN* the South", then it would indicate that Gobi-Altai is in the southern part of the country or continent.

TO indicates a direction of travel.
The store is a mile TO the east.

IN indicates a place.
China is IN the East.

Language pair: English; Spanish
March 18, 2003

# Msgs: 1

I want to learn these languages
Is there any one who can help me with Bulgarian or Spanish? I'm not a gold member, but my details are on my profile. I have experience in teaching English, and I am only happy to help.

Language pair: Bulgarian; Spanish
Ross N.
January 30, 2003

# Msgs: 1

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