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Re:Re:Re:American interested in films with English subtitles
Since you are studying Spanish, I would like to recommend
Los Amantes del Circulo Polar (Lovers of the Arctic Circle).
I found it at Blockbuster, and have seen it 3 times!

Another favorite is Run Lola Run (German).

My all-time favorite is Heaven ( from the same director as Lola, Tom Tykwer, but done in Italian).

Enjoy !


Language pair: English; Spanish
September 14, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 14, 2004
Re:Re:American interested in films with English subtitles
"Valentín", (Argentinian)
"Cinema Paradiso"( Italian)
"The Eighth Day"( French)

Language pair: English; Spanish
american version
September 13, 2004

# Msgs: 2
Latest: September 14, 2004
Englisg learning Spanish - One exercise with answer
Language pair: English; Spanish

Try to do it! It is easy

Charlie Chaplin Biography - Early years –Second issue - With help
This is an exercise for English native, Spanish practicing.
I would like to receive 5 questions in Spanish about this text, with the corresponding answer. I will check and explain your work.
Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England, on April 16th 1889.
His father was a versatile vocalist and actor; and his mother, known
under the stage name of Lily Harley, was an attractive actress and singer, who gained a reputation for her work in the light opera field.

Charlie was thrown on his own resources before he reached the age of ten as the early death of his father and the subsequent illness of his mother made it necessary for Charlie and his brother, Sydney, to fend for themselves.

Having inherited natural talents from their parents, the youngsters took to the stage as the best opportunity for a career. Charlie made his professional debut as a member of a juvenile group called “The Eight Lancashire Lads” and rapidly won popular favors as an outstanding tap dancer.

HELP: This is help for this exercise. Here follows some words:

Born: Verb Nacer. Yo nací en Caracas, Tú naciste en Europa,
Charles nació en Londres, Nosotros nacimos en China, ellos nacieron En Bombai. .¿Dónde nacistes tu? ¿Dónde nació él? I
It is past tense (tiempo Pasado, llamado también Pretérito)
Your father WAS: Su padre fue; Past tense of to be. In this sense the Condition of being ac actor was almost all his life; was not a temporary Situation like : Your father was at the beech
Known: Conocida, from verb “Conocer” .This is Participio form
It is: conocer, conociendo, conocido(a) Infinitive, Gerund and Participle.
Thrown on: ? similar to “Crecer” growing up I am not sure
Reached: past tense verb Alcanzar, means alcanzó
Death: muerte. Here is a nome, not a verb.
Can use like verb “Morir”. Su padre murió.
Illness: enfermedad. Ill: enfermo(a).
Can use like verb: Su madre enfermó
To fend: ? It is similar to keep oneself: Mantener(se)
Charlie MADE: verb “Hacer” but more like the sense of Do .
It is different of CONSTRUIR, ej un edificio,
ELABORAR, una Torta(cake)
In this sense, Hacer, is more intellectual.
RAPIDLY: it is an adverb, with –ly (prefijo)at the end the translation es –mente
Rapidamente. If we say lovely, it means: amorosamente.
Won: Past tense of verb …….ganar?

My best Regards,


Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
August 17, 2004

# Msgs: 1

The place where I live - An English text for correction
The place where I live
I live in one house located in one Urbanization. It is a quite place with a few cars and a lot of children. I only have cement and houses around, some of them with two floors. There is not a lot of trees.
When one receive the house that is buying, the floor has not ceramic installed and there is necessary to order the fabrication of grilles for the windows and the principal door, for protection.
It is a casualty because my house and my block has the same number, which 1s 14. I had thought named my house “Las 14”
In the colonial period, the Spanish from Spain who has baby with white of colony was named “Mantuano” and this is the name selected for the Urbanization La Mantuana”. It is like a Hospital for crazy: quite and alone.
My house has three rooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen a patio
and garage for two cars.
I have almost all the necessary appliances, because I had bought some years ago, because at his moment is very expensive to buy the new one.
I can maintenance my home and my daughter but I am short for medical expense, vacation or Cultural events or other not previous considered expenses.
Here no more of 10 per cent has an comfortable economic position.
I can be happy because I have a good place for living and a healthy daughter and for this and more I must give Thanks to the Lord.

I would like corrections about my text and if you want practice Spanish, please Ask 5 questions about this text. The most difficult is to asking because anybody can write yes or no.I will correct your questions in Spanish

My Best Regards,

Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
August 16, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Charles Chaplin- Spanish practice
For English speaker- Spanish practicing

Charlie Chaplin Biography - Early years

I would like to receive 5 questions in Spanish about this text, with the corresponding answer. I will check and explain if is necessary
Try to do it! It is easy

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England, on April 16th 1889.
His father was a versatile vocalist and actor; and his mother, known
under the stage name of Lily Harley, was an attractive actress and singer,
who gained a reputation for her work in the light opera field.
Charlie was thrown on his own resources before he reached the age of ten
as the early death of his father and the subsequent illness of his mother made
it necessary for Charlie and his brother, Sydney, to fend for themselves.
Having inherited natural talents from their parents, the youngsters took
to the stage as the best opportunity for a career. Charlie made his
professional debut as a member of a juvenile group called “The Eight
Lancashire Lads” and rapidly won popular favors as an outstanding tap dancer.
My best Regards,

Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
August 16, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:Re:Re:El Molino Rojo
Hello Lupin:
Yo estoy de vacación, también desde el 25 de Julio hast el 3 de Agosto, creo.
Estoy en vacación pero podré comunicarme con mi gente del mundo
!Suena grandioso! ¿No es así?

Vamos a jugar un poco con palabras, que es lo que usualmente hacemos acá las amigas, por la noche y también tomar un poco de vino o de cerveza o de whisky.

Quiero que busques en el Diccionario 5 Categorias comenzando por la letra "T", en Español, por supuesto. Te doy un ejemplo en la letra C
Nombre Vegetal Artista Nombre de Pelicula
Carmen Cebolla Cristina Aguilera Coconn

Veamos si puedes hacerlo.

¿Que pasó por fin con Mickel Jacson y el problema con la Ley?
¿Qué dijo el juez, inocente o culpable?

Trata de contactar BBC News por Internet, en Inglés y de allí tu
puedes hacerme una pregunta en Inglés para que te la comente en Español. Hay un sitio de música tu-refugio.com que tiene letra y musica en español y algunas en Ingles como "CHIQUITICA"
It is easy. Let's see if you answer, I hope ..

I am goin to eat and to the swimming pool. Adios...Mary

Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
July 27, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 27, 2004
Re:Re:El Molino Rojo
A Lupin:(De Mary Aponte )REF: El molino Rojo

He leido tu mensaje el día 13 de Julio, donde me informas que has "salido de vacacion" El inconveniente es una palabra de género masculino, no es "la inconveniente"
La informacion de El molino Rojo la leí en mi revista de Televisión por cable y la tomé como tema para comenzar la conversacion. El ambiente de esa película es muy BOHEMIO, como se acostumbraba en Francia para la época y , de acuerdo a lo que leí, el problema de la cantante era que debia decidir entre conservar el amor o poder seguir siendo una estrella importante. // English:
I had read this information about "The rouge moulin" in my cable TV magazine and I took it as theme for to begin the conversation. The film atmosphere is very /bohemy / as was usual at France at this time/ epoca? //and, according to I has read the problem that had the singer was she had to decide between to keep the love or CAN BEING ABLE ?? and important star.
From one to twenty ¿how many points I have in this english text, My teacher?

Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
July 13, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 27, 2004
Re:Re:El Molino Rojo
A Lupin:(De Mary Aponte )REF: El molino Rojo

He leido tu mensaje el día 13 de Julio, donde me informas que has "salido de vacacion" El inconveniente es una palabra de género masculino, no es "la inconveniente"
La informacion de El molino Rojo la leí en mi revista de Televisión por cable y la tomé como tema para comenzar la conversacion. El ambiente de esa película es muy BOHEMIO, como se acostumbraba en Francia para la época y , de acuerdo a lo que leí, el problema de la cantante era que debia decidir entre conservar el amor o poder seguir siendo una estrella importante. // English:
I had read this information about "The rouge moulin" in my cable TV magazine and I took it as theme for to begin the conversation. The film atmosphere is very /bohemy / as was usual at France at this time/ epoca? //and, according to I has read the problem that had the singer was she had to decide between to keep the love or CAN BEING ABLE ?? and important star.
From one to twenty ¿how many points I have in this english text, My teacher?

Language pair: English; Spanish
maryjaponte l.
July 13, 2004

# Msgs: 3
Latest: July 27, 2004
Hello, I'm youly and I'm fan of the lorod of the rings, Too I'm fan of Elijah Wood and Orlando Bloom. I will like to receive news about the lord of the rings. Thanks

Language pair: Spanish; English
Yuly R.
May 27, 2004

# Msgs: 1

Re:Re:American looking for great films
Some more to add to the list. I wouldn't say these were for children but they are all enjoyable films.


The Lovers of the Arctic Circle
The Red Squirrel


Battle Royale
The Happiness of the Katakuris (if you can handle the idea of a musical horror)


Run, Lola, Run!
The Princess & The Warrior


The Idiots (has sensitive subject matter, though)
Italian for Beginners

Amelie (as someone has already written above)
The City of Lost Children
Irreversible (has sensitive subject matter)
Jean de Florette
Manon des Source (Jean de Florette: Part 2)

I'm listing films from my DVD collection as I can recall them but there's loads more.

Try and look for sites on European Film Festivals e.g. Berlin

Other films:

The Eye (Thailand)
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (Korean)
Goodbye, Lenin! (German)
My Life as a Dog (Swedish)
Reykjavik 101 (Icelandic)
Hana-bi (Japanese)

The 2 Mexican films listed above are must sees also.

Language pair: English; Spanish
January 11, 2004

# Msgs: 1

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