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Language > German
Category > Study Abroad

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Re:I would really appreciate your help in learning to speak Portuguese and Spanish
i am a spanish native speaker from Uruguay, South America. and although i dont know portuguese i can teach you spanish, and when you take it, you 'll see that portuguese is very similar, and its easy to learn if you know spanish.
I would like to learn german because i studied only 1 year but i was 6 years old and i cant remember anything, im not a gold memember and im' rather new in this website so contact me, see you soon

Language pair: Portuguese; German
María M.
February 25, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:Searching for a guest family in the USA
Hi Erik, My name is Anthony and I would like to learn more German. I am also 16. Feel free to go to my profile and email me!

Language pair: English; German
Anthony B.
February 10, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:from russia
Hi Katya. I am interested in improving my russian, but I dont know anything about German. So, wish you good luck in finding. My another interested language is spanish.

Language pair: English; German
Erkin M.
January 25, 2007

# Msgs: 1

Re:international new friends
so hey waz up we want to be your friend do you know cambodian
at all we're american i just started this new site thing i want to connect with you so t-e-x-t MEEEEE

Language pair: English; German
larisie s.
December 16, 2006

# Msgs: 2
Latest: December 16, 2006
hey there, i´m an 18 year-old from germany, i´m still going to school and i´m just trying to finish my a-levels. i think i could help you learn english, german and spanish because i learn all of these languages at school at the moment! if i´m very lukcy, i´ll spend about one year in japan to do my community service year there, but yet i know nothing about japanese! it would be truely great if we could help each other out!

mfg ^^

Language pair: German; English
Tobias W.
November 30, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Terve!!! Please mail back!!! please!!!

Moi, finnisch People! I want soooo much to learn Finnisch, but nobody wants to teach me this Languange... *cry*

(s.) Please mail (sid) back! (@) Hey guys, please, its very important (gmx),i can teach you GERMAN (net) or ITALIAN

many Greeings Sunny

Language pair: German; Finnish
November 5, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Terve!!! Please mail back!!! please!!!
Terve!!! Please mail back!!! please!!!
Moi, finnisch People! I want soooo much to learn Finnisch, but nobody wants to teach me this Languange... *cry*

(s.) Please mail (sid) back! (gmx.) Hey guys, please, its very important (gmx),i can teach you GERMAN (net) or ITALIAN

many Greeings Sunny
( )= Email

Language pair: German; Finnish
November 4, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Terve, voisitteko Te auttaa minua????????

Anteeksi, mutta minä en puhu suomea!!

But anybody can help to learn it!!!
Please, it is very important! I can teach you German if it is in your interest! Writes to me if Somebody wants to help me to learn Finnish! Many greetings


Language pair: German; 
October 27, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Terve, voisitteko Te auttaa minua????????
Anteeksi, mutta minä en puhu suomea!!

But anybody can help to learn it!!!
Please, it is very important! I can teach you German if it is in your interest! Writes to me if Somebody wants to help me to learn Finnish! Many greetings


Language pair: German; 
October 26, 2006

# Msgs: 1

Re:Learning Italian in Torino
Yo soy italiana, podriamos practicar italiano si quieres pero no vivo en Torino!! Que estudias?

Language pair: Spanish; German
August 2, 2006

# Msgs: 5
Latest: August 18, 2006
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