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Hangman Games by Member : Estela T.

Short Description of Estela T.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Spain
Description: Hi! my name is Estela, i´m 20 years old and i live in Spain. My english is very basic but If you want, you can practice spanish , catalan or english with me. I would like to know people of others countries and to start a friendship. Hola me llamo Estela y tengo 19 años, soy española y me gustaria conocer a gente de otros paises.Si estais estudiando español me gustaria ayudaros a perfeccionar el idioma byebicicle yah...es. Mi ingles y frances es básico pero lo comprendo, algún dia me gustaria aprender japones ^_^

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
a tipical valencia´s food
_a _ _la
Spanish Popular Expression Food / Drink July 20, 2006
10 votes

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