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Hangman Games by Member : Savannah D.

Short Description of Savannah D.
Native Language(s):
Practicinig Language(s):
Chinese, Mandarin
Country: United States
Description: I am a tenth grade student in Missouri, USA. I like to write, sing, cook, read, draw, listen to music, horseback ride, row, golf, and study religion and philosophy. I really enjoy foriegn language and hope to learn as many as I can. I would eventually like to learn Russian, Gaelic, French, and African languages. I went to Taiwan this past summer and would like to continue to learn useful phrases. I am more than willing to help anyone and everyone with their English. I am not a gold member so if i accidently leave the conversation, I am unable to restablish connection, so you will have to if you still want to talk. Thank you!

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Savannah D.'s newest games:

Click on a title to play the game. Sort games by Rating 
Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
When you cannot hear well, you are...
_ _a _
English - Other - Body / Health / Senses April 7, 2006
7 votes
When you cannot hear well, you are...
_ _a _
English - Other - Body / Health / Senses April 7, 2006
0 votes
When you cannot hear well, you are...
_ _a _
English - Other - Body / Health / Senses April 7, 2006
0 votes

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