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Hangman Games by Member : silvia s.

Short Description of silvia s.
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Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Spain
Description: soy una chica joven que que esta estudiando ingles en una academia y quiere practicar con gente de verdad para poder ir a inglaterra-america algun dia. me gustan los animales la tierra, soy de greenpeace y hago senderismo tambien leo mucho , saco 10 en el cole y tengo muchas gracias de aprender:) ahora en ingles: Im a young girl who is studying in a academy and wants to practise with a real person to go to england-USA someday. I like animals, in from greenpeace y read a lot and Im looking foward to learn :).

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Title of Game Language Type Category Last Edited Rating
the birds do it
v _e _ _n
English Popular Expression Literature June 16, 2012
2 votes

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