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Hangman Games by Member : Meghran

Short Description of Meghran
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Country: United States
Description: Living on Hawaii opens a person up to many different ethnicities and cultures. I am a huge music fan and recently has found Korean bands to be highly interesting. Because of my sudden interest, I have realized how beautiful I find the Korean language to be, therefore I have been trying desparately to learn it. The biggest problem I have is that I know absolutely no one that knows the language fluently. I have tried learning things out of books, but I have no idea if I'm saying things correctly. Some websites are useful, but most dont teach you how to speak the language, mostly how to write the words.

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The bassist in the band 'Escape the Fate'
_ax _ _l _   G _e _ _
English Famous Name or Title Music January 2, 2010
2 votes

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