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Hangman Games by Member : Jeanelle

Short Description of Jeanelle
Native Language(s):
Filipino (Tagalog)
Practicinig Language(s):
Country: Philippines
Description: Hi ! I'm Jean. It's nice to have new friends. I love making new friends. Hope we can all get along well. :) By the way I worked as an English Associate in a school in Clark. I've handle some Korean University students in which we all became friends. And so I made a decision to learn Korean/Japanese no matter what so I can comfortably converse with them. :) Please I really want to learn Korean and Japanese. If you want to learn Filipino, English or even need a friend please message me. Thank you. :) Im not a gold member so please feel free to message me

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_ _l _ _at/ _ar _min _   _ _ _ _ _ _t

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Filipino (Tagalog) Popular Expression Emotions April 28, 2014
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