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Hangman Games by Member : Roberta M.

Short Description of Roberta M.
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Country: Italy
Description: Hi! I'm Roberta, i'm 23, and i strongly want to improve my english. I've been accepted in a Master program, that will start on September 2013; and I'm going to take all the courses in English; so I really want to improve myself. I'm going to take my Bachelor degree in Energetic engineering on July, in Turin. I've been living in Italy since I was born so I speak Italian very well and I'm ready to help anybody who wants to improve. I like reading, watching films, I'm interested in foreign e local politic, so I'm ready to discuss about all topics you want!

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Quando qualcuno compie gli anni si dice
B _ _n   c _ _pl _ _ _ _o

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Italian Popular Expression Birth / Dying April 3, 2013
19 votes

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