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Activities and Games - SERBIAN/CROATIAN/BOSNIAN (4) - Language Exchange

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GENDER (cont.)
All nouns, pronouns and adjectives are either masculine, feminine or neuter. Nobody knows, why the plate (tanjir or tanjur) is masculine and the fork (viljuška ili vilica) femenine), nor why the letter is neuter. Anyway, you can guess the gender pretty well according to following rules:

The masculine words end in a consonant, but some end in “o”:
Ponedeljak/ponedjeljak : Monday
Utorak : Tuesday
Èetvrtak: Thursday
Brat: brother
Stol: table
Stolac: chair
Nos: nose
Sto: table
Dan: day

The feminine words end in “a”, but some end in consonant:
Sestra: sister
Brat: Brother
Majka: mother
Brada: chin, bearth
Stolica: chair
Usta: mouth
Stolica: chair
Sreda/srijeda: Wednesday
Subota: Saturday
Nedelja/nedjelja: Sunday
Ljubav: love
Noæ: night

The neuter words end in “o”, but some end in “e”:
Oko: eye
Uvo/uho: ear
Èelo: forehead
Dete/dijete: child
Lice: face

The adjectives agree with the corresponding noun in gender (but not necessarily in ending), in number and case.
The feminine adjectives end in “a”, the neuter adjectives in “o”. The masculine ones end in “i” in front of the noun. After the noun the ending is usually a consonant, but sometimes the vocal “o” or “i”.

Taj niski sto/stolac je moj: this low table is mine
Njegov veliki brat je visok: His big brother is high
Onaj mali stolac je tvoj: That little chair is yours
Moj dobri otac voli rodni kraj : My good father loves (his) native region
Taj sto/stolac je nizak: This table is low
Njen brat je velik: Her brother is big
Onaj plavi stolac je mali: That blue chair is little
Vaš otac je dobar: Your father is good

Moja mala sestra je u kinu: My little sister is in cinema
Tvoja sestra je mala: Your sister is little
Ti uèiš srpski jezik: You lear serbian language
Ova stara hrvatska knjiga je vrlo dobra: This old Croatian book is very good.
Ta bosanska glumica je stara ali dobra: That Bosnian actress is old but good

Imaš dobro oko: you have good/sharp eye
Hej, tvoje oko je plavo: Hi, your eye is black; (but “plav,-a,-o” means blue)
Njeno èelo je visoko; Her forehead is high
Vaše pismo je vrlo interesantno: Your letter is very interesting
Ona ima interesantno lice: She has interesting face

Language pair: Serbian; English

December 12, 2004


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