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Vocabulary/Translations - What does "Las Volúbiles" mean? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: What does "Las Volúbiles" mean?

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What does "Las Volúbiles" mean?
I am trying to translate from Ruben Darío, Otoñal, and there is this word within a list of flowers, las volúbiles. I cannot find a translation for it.

Language pair: Spanish; All

October 25, 2020

Re: What does "Las Volúbiles" mean?
Hi Jonathan,

«las volúbiles» means “the marigolds”, though I don’t know if that refers to a particular variety of marigold, or if it is only a generic name. My guess is that it refers to _Tagetes patula_, the French marigold. (Despite the English name, this species is native to Mexico and Guatemala.)

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 238045
November 14, 2020


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