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Vocabulary/Translations - Teach me how to sound like american native speaker - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Teach me how to sound like american native speaker

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Teach me how to sound like american native speaker
Hello! My name is Shinda and i'm from Indonesia. I learn english since i was in elementary school. But still, it doesn't really help me to speak english fluently like native speaker. I wanna learn how american speak reqularly on their basis day. I also heard that in each state has their own accent, hasn't it? I am very excited to learn about that any further. Anyone mind to help me? Or if you just have the same interest as me, we can discuss it together too. I really love to make a new friends.

Language pair: English; Indonesian (Bahasa)

June 24, 2018

Re:Teach me how to sound like american native speaker
Hey shinda! There are classes for improving your english accent but if you want to do it independently, search for an instruction video on youtube, where they teach the alphabet letter pronunciations and then compound letter pronunciations.
Compound letters are words like an, on, oe, to, toe, etc.
Learning those should give you a base for understanding the english accent and obviously find a video done by an american to highlight the american accent.
You shouldn't stop there. Watch as much american youtubers (that interest you of course) as you can to get a feel of how they talk.
There are different accents in the states depending on where you go not so much state by state; i.e. in NYC you get the New York accent, and Boston you get the Bostonian accent and down south you get the southern accents.
Keep in mind there are different dialects within the US but you should strive for the SAE (Standard American English) dialect. Everyone understands that one as it's spoken in the US and Canada and primarily used in writing.

Language pair: English; Indonesian (Bahasa)
This is a reply to message # 234741
June 26, 2018

Re:Re:Teach me how to sound like american native speaker
Hey Jean! thank your response! Yes i did learn about this on youtube, tv shows, or movies. And to be honest,that's all what was made me wanna learn American accent. But sometimes, it's a bit hard for me to hear their pronounciation because you guys talk fast (i mean, you guys shorten words mostly). Do you have whatever spesific recomendations for me? I'll apreciate it if you do.
Ah yeah! The dialect! Which one is yours btw? And i have One curiosity. Does Americans talk regurarly like i've watched in Serial TV show? Or it's just an acting after all?

Language pair: English; Indonesian (Bahasa)
This is a reply to message # 234754

June 27, 2018

Re:Re:Re:Teach me how to sound like american native speaker
I've never seen that show you mentioned. The thing with pronuniciation and english, since english is written phonetically, it's relatively easy to learn the pronunciations if you watch videos with english subtitles. Like I said though, you'll need the training in the alphabet and compound letters pronunciation.

Language pair: English; Indonesian (Bahasa)
This is a reply to message # 234761
June 29, 2018


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