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Teacher Training/Teaching Abroad - What do companies/schools in Korea look for in English teachers? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: What do companies/schools in Korea look for in English teachers?

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What do companies/schools in Korea look for in English teachers?
Since getting addicted to K-Dramas, I'm completely fascinated by the idea of teaching English in Korea. Not right away, but it's in my 10 year plan. I have refined skills in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, but not a specific certification. Are there some certifications that are more accepted than others? Any advice for someone looking into the possibility? Are any companies that connect teachers with jobs better to work with than others?

Language pair: English; Korean
February 7, 2017

Re:What do companies/schools in Korea look for in English teachers?
If you are from any of the English speaking countries you've already passed. I am an English teacher in Korea currently. There are many different ways you can teach here. It can be in an public school (my current employement), a hagwon (academy, after school English), there are private and international schools as well.

If you have a bachelors, a TESOL, CELTA certificate (you'd have to do more research with which route requires which certificate), you'll be a shoe in. Having a background in English, or education will work as well.

The company I reached out to is called TeachAway but I don't believe they recruit teachers for Korea anymore (could be wrong). You can also directly apply through the government English Program in Korea (EPIK). Having a recruiter will work better because they (hopefully) can help you get placed into a better environment.

Language pair: English; Korean
This is a reply to message # 229849

March 2, 2017


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