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Seeking Partners - Italian and Spanish for French and Kinyarwanda - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Italian and Spanish for French and Kinyarwanda

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Italian and Spanish for French and Kinyarwanda
Hello to everybody. I'm italian and I've libre in Chile during quite 2 years. I write english but I not speack It so well. I speak fluently Italian and Spanish. I offer my language a change of french (that I studied and I want to refresh) and Kinyarwanda that i'm studying now. English speaker welcome! I like to joke with words and have fun.

Language pair: Italian; Rwanda (Kinyarwanda)

July 26, 2016

Re:Italian and Spanish for French and Kinyarwanda
Hey there im brian i speak fluid spanish and english so maybe i can help you with your English-speaking and you can help me with italian thank you

Language pair: Italian; Rwanda (Kinyarwanda)
This is a reply to message # 226080

March 1, 2017


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