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Seeking Partners - search for friends of Mandinka continues - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: search for friends of Mandinka continues

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search for friends of Mandinka continues
Hello to Margot and Tahira! Unfortunately I can't speak Mandinka (yet), but I'm also looking for speakers of Mandinka. There are more names of people who speak Mandinka than I thought there would be, but if they're like me, then they aren't a gold member either, so I'm writing in this bulletin to hopefully capture their attention (and yours).

I've got a little language guide that gives a general introduction to the language, but it's in Mandinka and German, not in English. One useful phrase I've learned is: "Abaraka baake". It means "Thank you very much!"

Hope to hear from someone soon!

Language pair: Mandinka; All
July 31, 2014


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