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Computer Technology - Keyboards and stuff. Yeah. - Language Exchange

Category: Computer Technology
Discussion: Keyboards and stuff. Yeah.

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Keyboards and stuff. Yeah.
Heyya! I'm an English native and I can partially speak German and French and teaching myself Japanese :P I was just wondering if anyone could tell me or 'type' me what a Japanese keyboard actually looks like. I mean, how can they fit all of the characters on one keyboard?! just curious is all ^_^ (Also,I'm not a gold member, so pleasesend me a message!!) X

Language pair: English; Japanese

January 9, 2014

Re:Keyboards and stuff. Yeah.
for typing in Japanese, people just use a regular keyboard.
But while they are typing, the letters are first converted in hiragana(s).
Then, at any point of typing, you can choose between different kanjis and kanas (I use up/down arrows keys, but it might be different with Window and MacOs), or stay in hiragana. You also have to type enter to set down characters at the end of words, to optimize the recognition of the next characters.

Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 203634
March 12, 2014


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