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Slang/Expressions - What does this expression mean? - Language Exchange

Category: Slang/Expressions
Discussion: What does this expression mean?

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What does this expression mean?
Hi, I'm interested in improving English apart from learning different expressions i usually listen to in different songs. Last expression was: "have you up under my arm".
If someone can help me to translate this expression to Spanish, Catalan or just explaining me its meaning in English I'll thank you a lot. I can help also with Spanish or Catalan expressions.

Language pair: Spanish; Catalan
January 18, 2011

Re:What does this expression mean?
I think what they mean is to have someone in love with you. What they are talking about literally is a man having hiis arm around a woman.

Language pair: English; English
This is a reply to message # 178170

January 19, 2011

Re:What does this expression mean?

I think Jim is right. I just googled your lyric and it is from Posner Song and the whole lyric is: If I could write you a song, and make you fall in love, then I would already have you up under my arm.

So the picture one gets here from the whole lyric is the guy would write, then single, then walk happily towards the sunset with the girl walking next to him. His arm would be on her shoulder. Sounds very hollywood to me! haha

Good luck!

Language pair: Spanish; Catalan
This is a reply to message # 178170

January 23, 2011


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