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Vocabulary/Translations - I am english so i'm willing to teach anyone english if you can teach me maltese! - Language Exchange

Category: Vocabulary/Translations
Discussion: I am english so i'm willing to teach anyone english if you can teach me maltese!

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I am english so i'm willing to teach anyone english if you can teach me maltese!
hi there I am english and live in malta with my husband and my son who is 6. my son speaks maltese fluently as he has been at school here for 4 years. I desperately want to be able to help him with his maltese homework and to be able to speak to my maltese family and friends in maltese instead of listening to their conversations in maltese and relying on someone in the group to translate for me!
i was born in england and have a university degree so I speak and write very good english if you want me to teach you english. I was also a tutor at the University of East London for 10 years!
I hope someone that is reading this can help me in exchange for lessons in maltese!!!!

Language pair: English; Maltese

May 1, 2010

Re:I am english so i'm willing to teach anyone english if you can teach me maltese!
You sound like you need a conversation group where you can practice talking! Are you near St. Paul's Bay? Try the Local Council. They may be able to help you! Good luck!

Language pair: English; Maltese
This is a reply to message # 170603
June 19, 2010


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